While Jade's Away

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After Liz started getting blood in her system, she managed to keep down regular food and keep Jade from being suspicious of anything. A week had passed and Liz tried to find anything that would remind her of what happened that night, but she made no progress. Every time she tried to remember what happened, her mind came up blank and it irritated her.

            “I can’t remember anything from the time I got home,” she complained to Travis one afternoon. Jade had gone away for the weekend with her mother, brother and sister in- law, leaving Liz and Travis to talk freely about their secret.

            “What was the last thing you do remember?” he asked.

            “Stepping into my house,” she answered.

            “You’re sure you made it inside?”

            “Yes,” she replied. “I remember putting my keys down on the bookshelf in the living room and then nothing.”

            Travis thought on her words as they walked. “That means whoever changed you had to have been invited in,” he said.

            “But I didn’t invite anyone in,” she answered in frustration. At that moment they walked past the diner and Liz noticed a familiar figure walk out the door with a baseball cap pulled down over their face and sunglasses. “Hey, that’s William. Maybe he might know what happened that night.”

            “You’ve been trying to figure out what happened for a week,” Travis said, one eyebrow raised. “And not once did you think to ask the guy that you went out with in the first place?”

            “Shut up,” she told him before making her way towards William. “William, wait up!”

            William turned at his name and smiled when he saw Liz, faltering slightly when he saw Travis. “Hey Liz,” he said. “Feeling better?”

            “Much,” she smiled. “Um, this is Jade’s boyfriend-“

            “Travis Garland,” William said.

            “How did you know that?” Liz asked.

            “I had a friend who was a little obsessed with him before,” he answered before turning to Travis. “Nice to meet you, I’m William.”

            “I know,” Travis said, voice and eyes suddenly hard. “Just like I know you’re a vampire.”

            “What?” Liz blurted, eyes wide at William.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” William said nervously.

            “Don’t bother lying,” Travis replied. “I can hear your heartbeat and its slower than a humans.”

            “If you could hear it, wouldn't that mean you're one too?” William said.

            “Do I sound like I'm denying it?” Travis answered. William stayed silent as Liz stared at him.

            “How... Since when?” she asked him, unsure of what to think.

            “I don't know, since we went out I guess,” William answered thoughtfully. “I went back to my car and everything after that is a bit non- existent to me. All I know is I woke up back at my house.”

            “You don't remember anything in between then?” Travis asked skeptically.

            “No,” William answered. “I thought about asking Liz if she saw me drive home but I didn't want to worry her.”

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