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Two Days Later

            “All I'm saying is, you get to be with Travis forever,” Liz said as she and Jade sat at a diner table. “He can cover all the boyfriend bases, sure, but what about those moments when you need your best friend?”

            “Travis is my best friend too,” Jade replied.

            “Yeah, yeah I know,” Liz said. “But you can't go around complaining about him to him now can you? That's where I come in.”

            “When do I ever complain about Travis?” Jade asked amused.

            “Eternity, Jade,” Liz answered. “You can't really think that you're going to love every one of his little quirks forever and never find one annoying.”

            Jade laughed at her friend and shook her head. Liz was always trying to convince Jade and Travis to change her but they always said no. Jade would be sad for the time when her best friend was no longer around, but she didn't want to condemn her life the way hers and Travis' had been. Unfortunately, Liz continued to be persistent. “I think I can survive,” Jade said.

            “Fine,” Liz said stubbornly. “Are you trying to tell me that you're not going to miss you're best friend when I die?”

            “You act like it's going to happen soon,” Jade replied.

            “Never know,” Liz said. “It could happen a lot sooner than you think.”

            “Hello ladies,” a boy about their age said as he approached their table. “My name is William and I will be serving you today.”

            “Wow,” Liz said. “You're really polite and proper.”

            “Aren't all waiters supposed to be?” he asked in confusion.

            “I guess,” she said. “The ones here generally aren't though.”

            “Oh,” he said thoughtfully.

            “It's a nice change though,” Jade put in. “Just ignore her, she's being a cynic right now.” Liz stuck out her tongue at Jade.

            “Cynicism can be attractive,” William smiled at Liz.

            “It can?” she asked, one eyebrow raised.

            “I don't know about everyone else, but it definitely is to me,” he answered. Liz and Jade exchanged a look and Jade couldn't help but smile as her friend smiled back at him. If Liz had a boyfriend, then maybe she wouldn't put so much effort into trying to convince her and Travis to change her.

*          *          *          *          *

            Travis sat nervously in Jade's brother's living room. He had been sure that Jade described Adam as big and intimidating because she wanted to make Travis nervous, but when Adam opened his front door he learned that wasn't the case. Adam was about 6' 4” and the size of a body guard Travis once had; his facial expression a mask that clearly said 'don't mess with me.' When he told Travis to come inside, he couldn't help but wish that he had taken Jade up on her offer to go with him. Having her hand in his or even just having her next to him would've made him feel better.

            “So you're Travis,” Adam said, face not once changing from its serious features. “I've heard a lot about you.”

            “Same here,” Travis said, trying to sound confident and unafraid.

            Jade's brother smirked at him before continuing. “Funny how I used to see your poster on her wall in her room and now I see pictures of the both of you in frames.” Travis was slightly shocked to know Jade used to have his poster on her wall since the only posters she had now were of her favorite shows or movies. “If you hurt her, the world will be seeing your face on missing posters or in newspapers if they eventually find your body.”      

            “I'm not going to hurt her,” Travis answered honestly. Adam stared at him, trying to see how serious he was.

            “Don't say I didn't give you a fair warning,” Adam said. “You're twenty one, your mind can change at any time and make you do something stupid.”

            “I'm twenty two and it won't change,” Travis answered. “No one else will ever compare to Jade for me. She's the best it can get.”

            “Are you trying to suck up to me?” Adam asked suspiciously.

            “I don't suck up to anyone,” Travis said bluntly. “I'm speaking honestly and if you think I'm not then it's your problem, not mine.” Travis was sure Adam would respond angrily to his words, but instead he smiled a real smile.

            “I can see why Jade likes you,” Adam replied. “You both have the same personality type.”

            “And what does that mean?” Travis asked, unsure of his sudden change in response to him.

            “It means you're not so bad,” he answered. “But I still mean what I said before. If you hurt my sister, public figure or not, I will kill you.”

            “I wouldn't expect less,” Travis replied.

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