Second Try

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“Yo, Trav, you have a visitor,” a new intern at the studio called to him.

            “Who is it?” Travis asked.

            “Your girlfriend,” he answered. Travis closed his eyes and groaned before pushing off the sound table. Mandee seemed to be everywhere he turned and it annoyed him that she would show up at the studio.

            “Thanks,” Travis told the intern as he closed the door behind him and walked out into the hall. He turned the corner expecting to see Mandee but instead found Jade looking as perfect and confident as she had the first time he met her. He clenched his jaw and tried to make it seem as though he were irritated rather than happy to see her.

            “Hi,” she said, trying not to throw herself at him begging for him to forget whatever threat Mandee threw at him.

            “Why did you tell them you were my girlfriend?”

            Her first instinct was to blurt out that she was, but instead she said, “I figured it was the only way you would come out here.”

            “Listen, I don't know what you want from me,” Travis said, crossing his arms over his chest. “But you're starting to give me a stalker vibe that's creeping me out. I don't want to call security or bring the cops into this but if you keep showing up like this, I will.” Travis tried to look at her angrily, but when he did, all he could see was the reddish strand of hair that had fallen out of her braid, into her face and he wanted to push it back. In his mind he saw himself step forward, brushing the hair from her face and tracing her jawline before kissing her. He wanted it so badly that his finger twitched before he could control it; Jade noticed and took a step forward, making him step back.

            “Am I making you nervous?” she asked him with a smile, just as he had that day in her house. “I didn't mean to.” Travis almost smiled as he realized what she was referencing, but caught himself and shook his head at her.

            “No,” he said. “Now what do you want before I call security?”

            “Just to show you something,” she said as she went into the bag at her hip. “Then, if you want, I'll leave.” Travis didn't like where this was going and was about to speak on it when she took out a folded paper and passed it to him. He hesitated before accepting and unfolding it; once he did he became rooted to the spot and felt like all the control he had was slipping away. Printed on the sheet was Jade's smiling face- and his own face smiling while looking at her; their favorite picture. He stared at the picture, wishing he could go back to that day when everything in their lives were uncomplicated and he knew that he could hold her without fearing for her life or anyone else's. He swallowed back the lump that formed in his throat when he saw the picture and passed it back to her.

            She watched him as he handed it back, never looking away from it. “How do you explain that?” Jade asked. “If I don't know you, how do I have that picture?”


            “You can't Photoshop this look on your face,” she answered, tilting the photo to him. “Or the look on your face now.” Travis broke his gaze from the picture and looked up at Jade, realizing that everything he was doing to keep her safe was falling apart.

            “I don't know what you're talking about,” Travis answered trying to gain control and knowing he was failing. “I think you should go now.”

            “Fine,” Jade said, looking away and then looking back at him. “Can I have my one fan girl request then?” Travis bit his lip as he tried to decide what to do and assessed the expression she held. Unfortunately, her face was a perfect mask and gave away nothing about what she was thinking; he nodded tentatively. “Can I get a hug? I promise you won't have to see me again afterwards.”

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