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hey, guys so when I went through my room I found an old story/one-shot that is completely original and not creepypasta related, I was wondering if you guys would like it.

please note, this was made by a 5-year-old.


the making of catrica

I walked with my parents on a sunny day but as we crossed the street unknowns car hit my parents and they were killed from the impact.                                                                                                        when I ran home crying hard I told chimchim what happened and she had a severe heart attack and died.i then attended their funeral and when I went home I cried myself to restless sleep. that night I dreamed about my dead parents and dead pet cat. when I woke up and had breakfast I didn't notice I used my new powers until I started to float.                                                                                I then recalled my dream. my parents and cat said pleadingly "Bianca please avenge us by using the restless spirit energy created when we all died due to us never finishing our role of protecting you and teaching you about the world and use it to help the world and all other living organisms", I, of course, had to accept their request.                                                                                              so I became catrica the skeleton.

(5 years later)

I put a lot of criminals in jail after learning information about unknown. like the location of his lair, where he is most likely to be found and about himself and his weaknesses.                                       "today's the day mum, dad,chimchim. today I will avenge your deaths and kill unknown".            it was misty as I walked along a rooftop waiting for unknown hoping that my informer had told me the correct information.                                                                                                                                              I started to leave until I saw him standing there in front of me smiling, he called out to me mischievously "catch me if you can!", and ran off the chase was on.                                                             we ran along rooftops until I managed to corner him. i pulled out my haladie and in one clean throw, I killed him, "I have avenged you!" i yelled loud enough for the dead to hear.

(500 years later)

i watched in space as the earth blew up, as i travelled to a new galaxy to help more creatures in need as per my dead parents' last request.



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this is a halide if you didn't know what they look like. 

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