Don't Bystand, Upstand

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Instead of bystanding while someone is being bullied, why don't we "upstand"? Upstanding means taking action, instead of just standing while bullying happens. This includes cyberbullying too. You know the saying "If you don't speak up, nobody will"? It's true. So ending bullying starts with you.

The three main ways to upstand are:

Direct: If you feel like you can do so without getting hurt, you can let the bully know that what he/she is doing isn't right. Sometimes simply yelling, "Stop it!" can get the bully to realize their actions.

Diverge: Sometimes in a bullying situation, you may be in danger of getting hurt yourself, or you aren't quite sure what is going on. You should then talk to a higher authority, such as a teacher, principal, or supervising adult. In this case, you are still telling someone, and you are not only being a bystander. 

Distract: Sometimes the first two don't work. Sometimes they won't work. Sometimes help won't get there for a long time. My math teacher was explaining this concept to us since he is part of an anti-bullying campaign called Green Dot. He said that in the worst case scenario pretend that you are a zombie, moo like a cow, or plow your shopping cart into the nearest stack of cans. It distracts the bully, and he will think you are crazy, but he will stop for a bit to watch you.

@layschips1 with Mr. Helgerson's Green Dot strategies.

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