I believe in you

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I just want you to know, if you're reading this and you're being bullied but haven't told anyone...

I hope you are happy. I hope you can smile everyday, I hope you can make someone laugh, I hope you are able to get on with the day without feeling as if you don't deserve a spot on this Universe. You do. The people who are bullying you are never going to see you again when school is over (if you go to school), so remember that.

It won't last forever, and if you tell someone, it'll end even quicker. What you've always dreamed of, you can make happen! All you have to do is tell someone.

Get them alone.

"____ has been being rude to me for a long time now."

That's all it takes, for them to realise what you're going through. Twelve words and everything will start to fit into place. You will be able to be happy. If only you learn how to tell someone.

Good luck, and lastly...

I believe in you.

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