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Pansy arrived gloomily at Snape's office which looked equally dreary as she is. Her things are already in the dormitories in case Lola did not commit another mistake in bringing them. Pansy had also made the good decision to order her to stay at Michael's house to help Artemis in her chores. Michael had a lot of time to freak out everytime he sees the elf inside the dishwashing machine, attempting to wash the dishes more properly.

Snape curled his lips upon seeing her arrive. "Well, well Ms. Parkinson, I hardly expect you to come back after what happened. I'm sorry for your loss," he said in a low voice, which doesn't sound dismal as he intends to be.

Pansy mustered all her remaining self-restraint and smiled while she brush off dust her robes before leaving the office without a word. She proceeded to the common room quietly, her mind drifting into unnecessary thoughts. She was not able to realize she's already inside until a first year sneezed violently in one corner.

Everyone in the Slytherin common room are staring at her, either with surprise or with worry. Norman nudged the first year harshly on his side. Aside from the waves outside the dungeon and their heavy breathing, no sound can be heard inside the common room.

Not long after, they all drift apart like ocean waves on each side to reveal Draco, who sits comfortably in one chair with Crabbe and Goyle. The Siberian Arrow is on his lap, and it looks like he's showing it off to his friends before he noticed her presence. Draco looked stunned, and Pansy felt the sudden urge to grab the broomstick away from him. After all, it is Prohyas who bought it.

Pansy still managed to restrain herself, and decided to ascend to the dormitories instead when the room broke into loud murmurs. Everyone crowded around her, asking if she's alright or if the news is true. Pansy would really like to be excused from the narrative, but since she realized she has no choice, she decided to speak.

"I'm okay!" she cried, and the murmurs died at once. "Yes, it's true, he's dead but I'm alive. Look-do I even look upset to you?"

The Slytherins looked at each other, before shaking their heads. Pansy sighed in relief and managed a small smile. "Good. And that's true-I'm alright."

"We're glad to hear that-excuse me, okay?! I'm the best friend here! Thanks!" Daphne squeezed her way towards her, casting annoying looks at the others. "We're glad to hear that, Pansy. I just hope that the Muggle is not giving you headaches."

"Oh, no," replied Pansy with all honesty. "Although, he sometimes is a source of fun. Especially when he tries to reach this thing called 'remote' using his feet because of laziness."

Some people laughed at the statement, and Pansy finally smiled sincerely since she arrived. She heard the stone door open, and she turned to see Blaise throwing himself to her.

"Come on, Blaise, you're strangling me!"

Blaise was pushed forcefully away from the hug by Pansy herself. "I thought you'd not going back."

"Of course I will," she replied casually. "It takes more than a dozen Death Eaters to bring me down."

"That's nice, but not all people are like you," said Robin Vailey in his usual neutral voice while gesturing to a third year who cries uncontrollably in a corner. There are a few older students surrounding her.

Pansy looked at third year with a bit of haughtiness. "What happened to her?"

"Her mother was abducted. The Ministry found her, anyway, but she's gone insane. They assume she was tortured several times and was lucky to be alive," explained Robin flatly while staring at the third year. "Personally, I think she's being a little bit oversensitive. Agatha's godfather was strangled to death helplessly while in a Full-Body Bind Curse but she still attended your party with me."

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