Chapter Forty-Two - Revenge

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(12 days later...)

Everyone was there on Louis' funeral, Javi, Kate, Tripp, Adrian, Sophie, Violet, hell even Lilly had come, her arm still in a strong bandage.
"I'm so sorry Clem, I may have never been someone who showed feelings but I saw how good Louis was. I'm sorry for your loss.", the woman had told Clementine while closing her into a friendly hug.
"Thank you Lilly, I won't forget that..."
The whole García family had helped her to this point, they had been at her side from the start, especially Gabe. He had been in her room every evening, comforting her and helping her to get over the loss. Clem was thankful for his attention, she had needed it the most, Violet had done the same thing over the course of the last week.
The first days had been the worst, the teenager had not left her room under any circumstances, the building could have started burning and she wouldn't have mind. There had been a time where she had even hoped for this to happen, she didn't want to live without Lou. He was her one and everything, the father of her child, the husband she wanted to die with. But now, he was gone. Her world had ended after the day she had heard about his death.
-Why has it always to be me?-, she had asked herself all the time.
Every time she tried to think about something else she remembered their first date, or their night at the music room. The songs he had composed rang in her ears, the first few lines of her favorite ones never went away:

"Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling Clementine..."

She took a wobbly step towards the open casket, her heart hurt immeasurably. The pain of grief and sorrow struck her down, almost putting tears in her eyes from the start.
"Louis was a good man... He always had a good joke in mind.", she said with a toneless voice.
She tried to be as tough as she had always been, the thick skin around her heart needed to be restored.
"He was a great example for all of us, strong, tough but always positive. He was like a father to AJ and like a husband to me....", she continued, her voice started to crack slightly.
"Lou was a bit of a weirdo sometimes, but that was what I loved about him. The slight smirk on his face whenever he was talking. He brought out the best in us. I never expected.... I never expected to have a light in my live but then..."
Clem stopped again, her voice only a low whisper, tears started to trickle down her cheeks.
"I always thought I'd be alone... but then I met you..."
The small tears started to grow bigger, rivers of them netted Clementine's face. A reckless sobbing controlled her body, throwing it around like a puppet. Lilly stepped forward and laid her arm around the girl, her warm touch comforted Clem in just the right way.
"Everyone I care about and love dies. I thought you would be an exception...", she cried out, burying her head in Lilly's chest.
"Shhh, it's okay Clem...", the woman said and patted the teens back, the audience walked over to her and did the same.
"I'm so sorry Clem, I should have saved him...", Tripp stated with deep sadness and grief in his voice, he was regretting everything he had done at the Delta.
"It's...not...your...fault...", she answered, interrupted by her sobs, she couldn't breathe properly anymore.
The deep sadness had left a void in her soul, a swirling hole of nothingness that was eating her up from the inside. Clementine couldn't take anymore, she was at the end of the road, she was broken, tired of running, tired of loosing.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up, seeing the significant red beanie on Gabe's head.
"If you ever feel like talking, just come to my room, OK?"
Clem nodded and loosened her grip on Lilly, she needed to get this done.
"I will miss you Lou, we will miss you.", she whispered and touched the growing bulge of her belly. Their child had grown more and more over the course of the last week, it was visible to almost everyone that she was pregnant.
The girl lowered the flowers in her hand into the casket, next to the dark burned body which looked nothing like her former boyfriend. His dreads were burned off completely, his face misshapen and black like charcoal.
It hurt her to see him like this, so disfigured, nothing like he had been before, a shell of himself. Something inside her snapped the exact same moment, a low fire of rage started to glow, burning her up inside.
"They will pay for what they did to you...", she uttered beneath her breath so no one could hear her.

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