15: Flight

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    Tsukiyama essentially floored it all the way across Belgium.
His hands gripped the wheel as if this vehicle were the only thing keeping him clinging to life right now. His knuckles were white, the curves of his fingers engraving themselves into the surface without any discretion.

Anyone else would've pissed their pants, more than likely, but luckily his current companion was perhaps the sheer definition of not giving a single, solitary, flying fuck.

    Fuzen the servant was idly stuffing their face with small cubes of meat while the seatbelt locked in place every time Shuu applied the break too hard, jerking the Ghoul's lithe body around as if it were a ragdoll.

"Keep in mind this vehicle isn't built for off-road operation, dearest Goshujin-sama." Fuzen said flatly, flipping their dark locks with a pointed look directed at the Gourmet as they bumped along a rough road.
"Oui, je comprends bien." [Yes, I understand well.] Shuu murmured, disregarding that this cheeky person was rather outspoken for a servant.
"Vraiment?" [Really?] The petite person munched on their food without elaborating for a long moment, "Then explain to me why we're in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere on god knows what sort of sketchy back roads, s'il vous plaît, Shuu-sama."
Tsukiyama focused his gaze on the path in front of them without responding for a long moment. "Fastest way," He said simply.

    With an eyeroll, the servant scoffed, though they were displaying a tiny grin despite the conversation.

The vehicle jerked to a stop right outside the gate to an airport.
"How'd you get here so quickly, Fuze?" Shuu asked, unlatching his seatbelt.
"Mm, are you trying to incriminate me, Shuu-sama?" The servant followed suit, and the pair of high-class Ghouls strutted out as if they owned the place.

At one point not too long ago, Tsukiyama group probably had.

Hopping the fence with a flourish, Tsukiyama landed on the other side elegantly, a soft exhale passing through his nose.
Fuzen followed immediately after, falling gracefully in a pose not quite different from arabesque.
Save holding the Tupperware container up like a prize won in Mario Kart.

"No, not at all." Shuu told the other, glancing down at his fingernails nonchalantly, "Just curious."
Fuzen looked at him pointedly while taking the lead naturally. "Skipped out of the ranks in the dead of night to come bail your ass out of town." They told him flatly, waving hastily for the Gourmet to follow suit. "My Goshujin-sama is an ass, as you know," The Ghoul paused, shooting Tsukiyama with a look that reminisced a few moments ago when he'd been told:
You tell 'em I said that, I'll kill you.

    Tsukiyama gave a silent nod and made a gesture, to which Fuzen made an assenting sound and moved to take the lead.

"The trip should take fourteen hours at a bare minimum with only one stop between." The smaller Ghoul stated, picking the lock to a nearby private jet with a certain precision that made Shuu once again question the person's background prior to becoming a part of luxury service.


Tsukiyama huffed and gave another nod, swiftly following behind Fuzen as the door was opened and the steps descended.

Curiosity got the best of him and he found himself asking, "You've highjacked a jet before?"
The engine started and he strapped himself in without being told.
"Oh yeah." Fuzen said nonchalantly, as if this were a perfectly normal occurrence. No further details were discussed, which was more than likely better for the both of them.

    A silence settled between them for a long moment as Fuzen took of on the runway, ignoring all proper protocals about the hours in which this particular facility operated.

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