Cornered mouse.

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 Long time no see my guys! My hiatus is slowly coming to an end and I'm really excited about the new ideas and future updates that I have brewing up. But for now here's a plot pushing chapter for my lovelies!  Enjoy!  😁

  It was dark. Practically pitch black, if it was not for the eerily bright silver moon peering through the curtains and tucked away hidden by the cloak of night, Storm stood in the corner of the small room. Watching. Waiting with glowing blue as shadows moved about behind the closed connected bathroom door. His mouse was quietly shuffling about before the door clicked open and Remy stepped through with only a towel wrapped around his slim waist as he manuvered through his room with ease. Storm's breath hitched at the sight of his half-naked mouse, his brain clouding a bit with lust. The craving to scoop him up into his arms and slam his lips against the smaller man's pair seemed so tempting, but Storm had enough control to not follow his very distracting instinct. No matter how bad he wanted to. He had more important matters to tend too.

   In only a matter of days, two to be specific, Storm had made sure to prepare all of his duties in order to bring his mouse home. The incident at the dance studio was far to close of a call for his liking. Storm felt a hot flash of rage shoot through him at the memory of his mouse's terrified voice. The pure, unadulterated fear that poured through the phone speaker damped any amount of happiness that rose when Storm saw that his mouse had called him. Even now Storm could still feel the ice cold rage that boiled within as he went through the camera photage and saw the piece of shit who managed to find Storm's most important weakness. For the life of Storm he could not recognize the dangerous bitch, no bells were ringing as he watched the man step closer to his mouse his lips pulled into a teasing smile as he watched the shorter man panic. Like a corned mouse.

   The sound of a soft, wet sniffle snapped Storm from the infuriating memory, and brought him back to the present. One where his mouse was silently crying while dressing in a pair of loose short shorts and a plain black tee-shirt, preparing for bed. The sight of his mouse so upset only spurred Storm's anger, salivating at the thought of killing the bastard that frightened and threatened his mouse.

  Storm needed to get Remy out of the open, where he was vulnerable to attacks. It was why he snuck into his mouse's beautiful home tonight, tonight he was bringing his mouse home with him. A momentous occasion that had Storm delirious with ecstasy and eagerness. It was a long awaited milestone and Storm was ready.

    Like a hunter stalking it's prey, Storm watched with calculating eyes as Remy went about finishing his pre-bedtime routine, his last action being to hang his wet towel along the bathroom door before turning to crawl into bed. It made Storm a bit uneasy that Remy was so out of it that he couldn't even feel his prescene but it was much appreciated as it made the process a lot easier. With silent footsteps Storm approached the bed while pulling out a syringe full of propofol, enough to knock his lover out in just a few minutes maybe less. 

   Once Storm was close enough to clearly see his mouse's exposed arm peering from beneath the covers, he swiftly stuck the needle in as gently as he could and pushed the syringe, inherently shooting the anesthetic into the man's blood stream. And of course, not even a second after the last drop filtered into his body, his mouse shot up with a small cry and instantly recoiled from the pinch that he felt on his arm. Faster than Storm could register Remy flew out of the bed and flipped the light switch on, shedding light on a very terrifying scene.

    In his room stood a masked man, covered head to tow in black with a needle in hand. Remy went to shout and run out of the house, but the stranger wrestled him onto the bed and muffled the yell before it could hit the air. Remy tried to wriggle underneath the masked man, whimpering into his mattress as he felt his body begin to slow. His mind was in overdrive as he tried to figure out how to get to away, but he was getting so tired and sluggish to the point that even after the man had gotten up he couldn't even move his body. He was still aware of everything as the man in black flipped him on to his back, his brain scarily quiet as he stared into icy blue eyes that seemed to scream with joy.

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