Chapter 4- loneliness:

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Lena's Pov:

It's my first day at Nc University, the main subjects that I study are Biotechnology... and economics. and that's not because I like these subjects, I just want mother to be proud of me, she does but still, kids always want their parents to be proud of them as much as possible.


I'm in the middle of my freshman year. still, haven't any friends at all; there was one in some point but she also went against me and banning me out of her life. but I got used to being alone, as usual, I sat alone minding my own Business. I heard the usual Insults and Curses. Although I used to it I started to cry. I looked up from my recent reading crying; and saw a very handsome guy smiling down at me I smiled back a shy smile and had my book back in my hands he was putting down his hands over mine and said can I sit here? if it's o.k? I nodded and smiled at him again, he sat next to me and said I'm Paul and you? I started to stutter and said I.. I'm Le...Lena.

Paul smiled and looked at my book and said; It? I Nodded

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Paul smiled and looked at my book and said; It? I Nodded. he smiled and said so you're into horror? I smiled once again and started to loosing up from my insecurities, but as soon it's shown up It went down again. the insults and curses had once again were clear and loud, and I started to cry again, failing to feel that Paul is hugging me and Stroking me on my back, so soft and that made me look at him and my cry to stop. he smiled softly, watching me and said do you want to talk somewhere else? I really want to know more about you. I didn't say anything just stayed in silence my head on his chest, he smiled and continued to stroke my hair. I looked up at him and said yeah, so where are you taking me? he said anywhere that you want me to. oh shoot sorry I have to go don't want to late for my lunch with my friends, so what are you doing in the evening? I smiled and said nothing just reading. he smiled and said here's my number ***-$$$-$$$$ keep it and text me. bye.

Paul's pov: wow I made Lena start smiling and that's good, I always see her Sitting alone.

fast forward to the evening at Paul's place:

Andy's Pov: Paul and I were Sitting near the fireplace and were drinking some whiskey, Paul was in his phone and not with me, I took his phone from him and asked Pauly what's going on? He smiled at me and said I just waiting for a friend of mine to text me. can you please return it? before I could he Snatched it from my hands.
texts Transcripts:
unknown number: Hi It's me, Lena.
P: oh hey Le it's o.k if I call you that?

L: Yeah if you want to .can I call you Pauly than?
P: Yeah, it's fine.
L: Kay. can we meet?
P: Yeah. were?
L: meet me at the Cinema?
P: on my way.
L: :)
P: did you just text me smiley face?
L: Yup.
P: :)

Paul smiled at me and said Andy don't wait for me. go to sleep. I asked him do you have a date? he smiled and said nope just meeting my friend bye.

Paul's Pov: I ran using my super- speed and in no time I was near the Cinema doors looking for Lena. then I heard a small whisper hi Paul..Pauly. I turned over to her and said hi Lee. I could see her hesitating to hug me I smiled at her and said Lee if you want to you can. I promise I won't bite. she went right to me and gave me a small hug. we sat on the ground, without Knowing it I held Lena's hand in one of mine she smiled softly and put her head on my shoulder. I said to her so are we gonna talk or what? she nodded and said what do you want to know? I said to her first your last name. she nodded and said I'm Luthor well not in blood I'm Adopted.

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