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He was the light.
She was the night.

His skin was impossibly fair.
Her skin was darkness beyond compare.

His hair was silver locks.
Her hair was made of rocks.

His eyes were the palest blue.
Her eyes were the deepest hue.

His smile was the brightest sun.
Her frown scared everyone.

His laughter made the world glow.
Her tears nobody else would know.

His need to help was above all.
Her need to hide made her feel small.

His heart was crumpling in defeat.
Her heart tried to feel complete.

His mind grew darker, day by day.
Her mind grew brighter, come what may.

His eyes were sombre and sad.
Her eyes would shine when she felt glad.

His hands would shake at the smallest thing.
Her hands were strong and could do anything.

His world met hers on a dreary day.
Her world met his at the railway.

His heart fluttered with sudden joy.
Her heart grew when she saw the boy.

His hand took her's with hesitation.
Her hand pulled him along without premeditation.

He was no longer the light.
She was no longer the night.

He was grey.
She was grey.

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