Chapter 1: Introduction

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I wasn't always a lonely child. I use to live with my grandparents, that had taken me in after my parents divorced and both were not fit to take care of me. My grandfather was barely home, and my grandma was sick. I remember that day.

"Grandma?" I asked, she lay in bed, I got no reply. I felt worried as I edged a step or two closer to her bed. "Grandma? Wha-" I started crying, her... HER BEATHING MACHINE! It.... it was off! No!  I couldn't stay here... they would take me to the orphanage, no, they couldn't take me to the orphanage! I wouldn't let them! No one wants a 14 year old daughter anyways, they all want younger, smaller kids. I ran into my room, pulling out a box that I had thrown under my bed. It was just a black converse shoe box (the pair I was currently wearing on my feet), but I had money in it. I was saving for college for the past four years. I have about five hundred to seven hundred dollars in here, this should be enough...

  I ran out the door, leaving it ajar in my desperate attempt to escape,. I was wearing jeans, a black shirt, and a sleeveless purple and white hoodie. I always liked the color purple, I... I don't know why. Maybe my mom liked it, or had me dress in it often when I was young, I guess I'll never know. From that point on, I went under the name Karah, not wanting anyone to hunt me down and try to find me. I was located splat in the middle of the country, so... what better place to go to other than New York?


I know, is short but I just started it will get better)

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