Chapter 2

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Third person POV

The elevator suddenly opens, and she saves by the bell. She looked at the guy who was now standing in front of her. He stopped and went back to his position, pretending nothing happened."Good morning Mr. Montalban," the man said."Morning, Rye!" Marco replied and nodded. He went back to his serious face.This is the guy she was looking for, "excuse me, are you the guy from the event department? Case asked him, and she couldn't hide her smile because this "Rye guy" saved her from the devil. "Yes, I'm the guy you are looking for," he looked at me with a sweet smile. Rye was tall. He always wears a smile on his face that wrinkled up his face. Whenever you look at him, you can't help but smile also. He is a cute boy, a next-door type of guy."I'm Casey Da Silva. I'm here to get the schedule of the hotels' events," she said, looking at his face. "So you must be the business partner and best friend of Ms. Ash. I have heard so much about you," he said with a smile that lit his eyes.The elevator stopped, "we're here," Rye said, and the door opened. He extended his arm and signaled that she should go first, "right after you, Ms. Casey. Have a nice day, Mr. Montalban."

He said and bowed while looking at Marco, who didn't even bother looking at him; instead, he glanced at her as if he wanted to say something.

Marco POV

I was surprised when I saw Casey in the elevator. I have meant to talk to her for so long. I have seen her in the events but not face to face. That girl made sure to avoid me. I can't help but wonder how she grew up stunning. She has long ash brown hair and still wearing her eyeglasses minus the braces. Her slender body was like Victoria's Secret model, and her curves made you look twice when she passed by. She could have graced any magazine cover. Her lips were pretty and inviting. I almost kissed her if it weren't for Rye. She was cute and shy then, but now she was different. I didn't know what to say when I saw her. That was why I blurted out if she was done playing hide-in-seek with me. I know she hated me so much. I feel it in the way she talked to me earlier. I saw it in her eyes, which bothered me a lot. It's been a long time, and I feel guilty for what I did to her. I have to do something to ask for Casey's forgiveness, and I can go on with my life and not think of her.

I dialed the number of my secretary "Ms. Sandra, please give me the files of our hotel's events. I need it right now." I have to say sorry to her. No more hiding for me, Case. I will make sure of that.

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Photo not mine CTTO 😊

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