Chapter 3

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Case's POV.

I received a call from Rye. It's been a week since I visited the Camari building to get the schedule. Rye gave only this month, and for the whole year will be followed. He called and said he would meet me for lunch to provide the remaining schedules.Meeting Marco brought back the pain I went through. Because of him, I lost my self-confidence, and I felt ugly. He made me feel unwanted and think that no one would like me because of his harsh words. I never had a chance to have a steady relationship thinking that I was not good enough for them.I'm so thankful to Ash. She was there, ensuring I was alright and everything would be fine. She always told me that I needed to take good care of myself. I started to go to the salon and do boxing to let out my frustrations and anger until it became my routine. I gained self-confidence and self-worth.I reminded myself that I was over Marco. It has been eight years. I was ready to face him, but I had to avoid his stare because he looked at me differently. There's something in his gaze that I can't explain.I'm at the restaurant where Rye and I will meet. The place is a block away from Camari. I was ready to order food when he arrived."Hi, I was about to order," I said with a smile."It's okay. I'm sorry I'm a bit late. By the way, here is the remaining timetable," Rye said, smiling softly. His smile never leaves his face. When I called the waiter, he was looking at the menu, ready to give his order."I heard from Ash that your business is doing good." He said, trying to make a conversation while waiting for our order.It's doing well, and we are planning to expand the business. I was answering Rye's question when I saw a familiar face entering the restaurant. It was Marco, and he was with a girl. Why on earth do I have to see him in here?I didn't know that he was dating someone. Marco is the type of person who doesn't play with other girls' feelings. He values the relationship and treats women with dignity and respect. From what I heard from Ash, their Dad keeps pestering Marco to have a girlfriend and get married. But he is too busy and focused on their family business.The girl stood tall, with a pointed nose and blond hair. Her skin is fair, and she has a beautiful face. They look good together.Marco's looking for a table when he sees us. Now it's too late to hide from this man because I can see them coming towards our table."Mind if we join?" he said. "Of course, Mr. Montlban," Rye answered back."This is attorney Catherine Dela Cruz, this is Rye, head of our event department, and Case, Ash's best friend," Marco said, introducing us to Catherine."Hi, nice meeting you," I said. I didn't know what to say because I felt uncomfortable with the situation. Catherine gave me and Rye a handshake. She sits beside Marco, and Rye sits beside me. They call out the waiter and order."By the way, here's the Camari timetable of events," Rye said while handing me the envelope. "I'm sorry it's not yet complete. I have to finalize the last quarter before giving it to you," he continues."No worries, just call me when everything is settled." I smiled politely."How's the flight?" I heard Marco asking Catherine."It was good. It's been a while since I came back here." She replied."You have to show me the beautiful places here," Catherine added."Sure, I'll ask my secretary to clear my schedule so I can accompany you," Marco said. What a lucky girl. I always thought that Marco's girlfriend would be lucky to have him. Who would have not? He is a good catch. He's not a player, a serious type, and sweet to Ash. He never missed one of her sister's races and was always there for her. What more to his girlfriend? Oh my God, what am I thinking? He is an enemy Case.I was busy with what was going on in my mind, I didn't notice that Marco was asking me, and the food had arrived. "Case, hey, when is Ashley coming back?" Marco asked me. "Huh? Uhmm, she said she'll be here next week. She just needed to double-check the flowers that we ordered." I answered. I saw him nod, and his attention was back to Catherine.

When we were about to leave, Rye accompanied me to my car after we said goodbye to Marco and Catherine. I saw him look in our direction. Or maybe just my imagination. -                                                 

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