"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"To win, sometimes we have to fight fire with fire"
On a new morning, Arabella woke up, feeling refreshed and a whole new person. She was highly confused when she woke up in her bed, with a crystal like box on her pillow. Then, memories from last nights events started to play into her mind and she remembered what had took place. Though, she does not understand what had happened, her mind plays it over and over again, yet, she can't understand what happened to her. She doesn't know if it was real or if she was actually dreaming.
Standing up from her bed, she grew rather dizzy and needed to sit back on her bed while her head is spinning. Her head is aching and she fears that she might be sick with madness or illusions. Madness is something that is rather well-known now days, people in the village are getting sick and going mad. They're not in their right minds and often they take their own lives, or someone does it for them, ending them so they wouldn't have to suffer anymore. She fears that this is what is happening to her, though she can't jump into conclusions. But, the subject will be in her mind.
After her mind stops spinning, she stands up and walks over to her desk. And sits on the wooden chair. She looks in the mirror with her tired eyes. Her eyes widen and she needs to bite her inner cheek to keep herself from screaming from the fright that she sees in front of her. In the mirror, she sees herself but something about her has changed. Her hair is far longer than it was and the color has gotten redder than it was before. But the mist change is in her eyes.
The iris in her eyes is no longer arctic blue as it once was, it's now deep orange. Around her pupil there are lines that look like fire in blood-red color. She pants out from surprise and can't believe that this is actually happening to her. She knows that this is not a dream and she's wide awake and this is reality, yet she can't help but wonder how this is even possible. She stands up and runs out of her room, to the main room of the house. Where, she did not expect her brother to be, but they are.
Sleeping on the sofa, like they never left since yesterday night. "Grayson! Jaxon! Wake up!" She yells softly at them, yet the panic in her voice is enough to wake the poor twin brothers that slept uncomfortably on the tiny sofa. Jaxon is the first to stand up form the sofa and draws his sword, but in doing so his brother fall down to the floor. "Arabella, what's the matter" Grayson speaks, when he sees that there is no threat anywhere around them. "Look" She says and points to her eyes, nearly with tears in them.
As soon as her brothers have taken a look into her eyes, they see what she means. "Lord, Arabella. What did you do?" Grayson asks, anger laced in his voice. The two brothers glance at each other and already know what this is about, yet want to hear it from their sister. They, were after all the only witnesses for what took place fifteen years ago. But, never knew that it would change her life. "Nothing, I just... I just touched the flame" She tells them, as she speaks, tears run down her cheeks and land softly of the wooden floor.