"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"Fire only has two weaknesses but a human has many"
Her eyes scan her surroundings and he mind races with possibilities of where she could be. The ceiling she woke up staring at is black, like coal after being burned. Sitting up, Arabella sees that she's somewhere unknown. Somewhere she's frightened of being. Tears form in her eyes and she hugs her knees, protecting herself from this great unknown that she had woken up in.
She might be terrified, but she does believe that the room she's in is indeed beautiful. Nothing is out of place and it looks like it's cleaned everyday, as nothing is dirty. The bed she's in is bigger than any bed she's ever seen and being in it makes her feel like she floating on clouds. The covers of the bed are red, much like blood. She knows it's not blood, as there is also gold in it, on the edges. Dozen or so pillows are in her back and are so comfortable. Not like her own pillow, who sometimes hurt her head.
The walls of the room are pitch black, like the ceiling, but unlike the one above her, they have lighting on them. Torches are on the walls, that light up the whole room. She's counted at least six of them. Two on each wall, except for the one behind her, the one that the bed is against. Near the bed, is the lowest lighting, but that is also because on the wall in front of the bed, is a large window that does allow lighting inside the room, and there the bed gets light. Natural light instead of fire.
Carefully she stands up, her feet touch the floor. Expecting it to be freezing cold, but the floor is hot. It doesn't hurt her, she finds it strange that it's nice. The fire haired colored girl slowly walks around the strange room she's in. By one wall, is a desk with a mirror placed on it, and a chair. Each of these are made with material that look like gold. She's never seen so much gold color in her life. Not even the shops in the village had much gold, as it is such a rare thing and horribly expensive.
There are also so many doors of this room, each one looking exactly the same. Arabella fears to open them, not knowing what is behind them or where they might lead her. She's truly terrified to be there and as she's all alone, she fears that might never be able to go home. Home. She misses her brothers terribly. There hasn't been a single day in her life she has been separated with them and the parting is taking a lot from her. The grief takes over and tears roll down her cheeks.
All she wants to do is go home and be with her brothers. She doesn't even remember what happened, she remembers nothing. Her mind is trying to figure out what happened to her to make her end up in this place, as lovely as it is, she does not belong here and wants to return to her brothers, where she does belong and would very much like to go back to. She doesn't even know where she is or how or even why she's there, her mind is swirling with ideas, yet can never find the right one. On the chair by the desk is a dress with a note on top of it.
My dearest Arabella, As you have no clothes on when you wake, please wear this.
The note isn't signed so she has no idea from whom she got it from. She does notice that she's still in her undergarments, the see through white dress. She blushes when she realizes that whoever took her from her home, has seen her private parts. To her, it's humiliating. But, she doesn't have a choice in this. Wearing that dress is the only way to cover up her privates. Picking the dress up she gapes at it, for she has never seen a dress more beautiful. If her jaw could hit the floor, it would be there right now.