"Bow down to your Queen"
Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...
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"Those who can control fire are gifted the world for the flames will burn it down if not"
In all the time that the fifteen years old Queen had been in the Underworld and known of the world that so many do not know exist which in her defense has not been a long time yet she has never known that she herself was an immortal being. She barely even knows what a celestial being is, and the confusion inside her is just too much for her to handle. Standing there shocked to the core, more shocked than she has ever been. Thinking how she can be immortal when she had no idea about it. Though a part of her understands it, understands that she does have this power inside her, of course she's bound to be immortal.
Yet, the thought of it does surprise her more than she could've ever known. When she had promised herself that she would not be surprised by anything anymore, she does find herself surprised. And then there's the part where the man that she has completely fallen in love with and is her King as she is his Queen, said that he would kill her. That also digs itself deep into her heart and brings nothing but pain. No one says anything for a moment before she finds herself walking over to his father.
"Is it true? Were you only using me?" She quietly asks him. When she had met him for the first time, he was kind to her. He seemed like he cared for his children and it seemed like he were the saint that she believed him to me. Arabella has always been the one that believed that people are kind and there is always good in them but as she looks into his eyes now, all she sees is darkness and evil, the thing that has been hidden from her this entire time.
His eyes answer the question, she does not need to know words to know that all he wanted was to use her, to trick her into marrying his son so he would be able to live. She then turns around to face the three siblings. "Is it true that I am the most powerful Queen of all and that I will rule the world?" She asks the three of them as her eyes are only looking at them with tears almost running down her cheeks. Feeling the fire inside her want to only rise but does not allow it.
"Yes, that is the truth. You are more powerful than any being in the world and more powerful than our father" Luna answers as she glares at her father. As he, yet again has manipulated and tricked them all into believing that he cared for them when in reality he does not care, never has and most definitely never will. "Then, how would it affect the world if he were to cease to exist? How would the world be?" She asks as her eyes return to the man behind her, glaring at him with hatred.
"With you alive, it would be the same" Poseidon says with a smile as he walks over to his father, who has paled when he heard what the fire Queen had said. Knowing that she meant every single word that she spoke. "It seems father, that you time has run out" He speaks with no remorse. When the three siblings should be feeling guilty that their own father might be dying, they do not. They feel nothing for him anymore. For he has never truly been a father to them and only wishes to use them to be able to live longer and exist. "You cannot do this!" He yells as an evil smirk is plastered on his face.