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"Make fire angry and it will burn you"

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"Make fire angry and it will burn you"


Thousand upon thousands of soldiers marching towards the castle is enough to make anyone frightened. As the two girls watch with worry the soldiers come closer and closer with every second that passes. One terrified to be sent back to that awful prison while one is terrified of the soldiers themselves. In her village, men would sometimes go fight in the wars, and most of the time they never came back. She would never want that for someone, for someone to suffer like that, she knows that she wouldn't have survived if her brothers had been sent to the wars. She doesn't know who sent the soldiers but she does know that those soldiers are not going to be friendly ones.

"They're coming for you, aren't they?" Arabella asks after finding her own voice, as she's been so lost in a trance of watching them grow closer and closer. They are far away, yet it will not be long before they come here and who knows what will happen then. She doesn't want to think of the worst case of what might happen. "I fear so, unless my brother has done something wicked to get our other brothers here. You could say they don't like the heat" She says and smirks, hiding the fear behind it.

"Your other brothers? They're coming here?" She says, her eyes widened with shock. She's met Poseidon a few times or just twice but that was insane for her, at first it was when she just arrived in the Underworld and didn't understand anything about it and even now she doesn't understand everything and so many things confuse her about it, the second time was when he said the love of her life was cursed. "Of course, all four of them need to be present to be able to send me there" Luna answers, as if she was supposed to know that.

"Your majesty, I've been ordered to bring you to the King" A young boy, perhaps a little younger than Arabella comes to them, startling both of the girls watching the outside from the window. When Arabella turns around, she sees the boy bowing down before her and he's dressed in a guard uniform which surprises her as much as it does Luna, as both of them believed all guards to be dead or at least in slumber for Luna's magic is still in motion. "Of course, I shall come right away" She answers and because she really has no idea how to get back to the throne room, she follows him, allowing him to bring her to her love.

Luna doesn't follow them, she stays by the window, plotting what she can do next as there isn't much as can do at this point. The soldiers have surrounded the castle on every side, there is no way out and all she can do is hide or fight more soldiers than she has ever seen in her life and more and more join as this army belongs to only one of her brothers, the others will soon be joining them with their armies. The four brothers shall be united, yet only to capture and imprison their little sister.

Arabella walks the hallways, always ignoring the dead guards on the floor and feeling bad about it, but as she follows the boy, she begins to realize that she's seen this boy before, only she can't remember where and coming from the girl that has a good memory that is surprising, then again she doesn't have all her memories yet and she could just be missing the one she has of this boy. But she swears that she has seen or even met him before, he seems too familiar to her to not have.

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