"The flame means nothing without emotion"
Luna rushes to help Arabella stand on her feet. "Are you all right?" She asks the girl who only nods her head. Her foot is stinging with pain yet she can take it. She has dies and come back to life two times already, a little wound on the leg will do nothing to her. Also she is the most power being to ever cross the world and pain is something she should laugh at. "I did not mean to hurt her" Arabella says as her eyes are cast down at the place where the floor had ripped open and taken the woman in chains.
"I know you did not but she does deserve this" Luna tells her. Arabella then turns around, only to see her brother dead and Thalia wailing as the tears continue to stream down her cheeks. Both of them are still stuck to the wall. With a small gasp, the fire eyed girl feels the salty tears prick her eyes as she stands there in shock and sadness. Her heart nearly shattering by the sigh she's seeing. Luna goes over to her and wraps her arms around the grieving girl who takes the hug as she lets out a sob.
"Please, no" She continues to say as the tears roll down her cheeks. The sadness and sorrow hangs over her and has her tied up as she continues to look at her older brother. She only wished he and Grayson would live happily like she did but because of her they will never get that change, neither of them. She cannot feel Grayson's presence anywhere in the Underworld which makes her believe he too has fallen like his younger brother. She continues to sob as she falls to the ground with Luna still hugging her yet it is clear she has no idea what she is doing.
Her fire dress has turned into light blue in sign of her sadness and even when it burns Luna she does not move from the hug that she is giving her, perhaps it is the guilt that she was the one that killed them in the first place or the fact that she does not like seeing her friend in such pain or any pain at all. A couple of minutes passes before Luna decides to let them down, slowly she removes her spell and Thalia as well as Jaxon fall softly to the ground.
Thalia is not long at crowing to his side and cradle the man that she has fallen in love with. Her tears falling on his skin as he lies there limp and motionless. Slowly Arabella breaks the hug and makes her way over to her brother where Thalia holds him. Looking with tears in her eyes towards his face with so much sadness, she takes his hand and holds it tight. To a girl that does not feel the cold, his hand feel freezing to her. Luna sits back where they had been before and sees the glowing tears in the ground, Arabella's glowing tears.
None had really known why her tears glow and when she has seen this before she only now wonders what they mean, yet also knows this is neither the time nor place for such thoughts for she should be busy trying to comfort her friend after what she did to her but she had to, she had to kill them in order for Arabella to come back to life because she knew that without her, the world nor neither of them would survive and that is why she had to make the tough choice that she made.
Arabella takes her brother into her hands and hugs him tightly as she wails and cries. The fire in her dress has grown smaller from her grief as it feels her emotions and it feeds of it. But her dress isn't the only fire that is feeling her emotions, it's all the fire around Hell and each and every Demon can see it and feel it inside of them that she is hurting and she is grieving yet no one knows how to help her, yet they feel for her, they wish they could help their Queen.
Poseidon and Hades have noticed the fire too and seen how pale blue it has become. They stop their fighting and while Poseidon studies the fire with confusion, the fire King himself knows what it is and what it means. He smirks. "It seems our sister has indeed become successful of awaking my Queen, however her sadness mirrors the flames" He says as the anger inside him only becomes worse, only now it is directed at the reason why the love of his life cries and feels this sadness wash over her and holds on to her and doesn't want to let go.

The Underworld ✓
Fantasy"Bow down to your Queen" Arabella has always been different. Not only was she born with red hair but mysterious things have always been happening around her. Perhaps that is because of a certain devil watching over her, waiting to take her back to w...