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The rain was pouring down like the sky was a giant waterfall. Your boots were wet and your clothes were soaked through. Your hair was plastered to your face, and your breaths came out in quick puffs of vaiper.

You didn't feel the cold though. All you felt was the painful throbs your heart made in your chest.

You felt incredibly stupid. You ran here all the way from your apartment in such a hurry, you forgot to take your raincoat or even an umbrella. But when your boyfriend told you to meet him here, you couldn't waste a second. You didn't see him in a month's time after all.

You were angry at him for ignoring you and for leaving you without even telling you why.

Now you weren't angry.

You were in so much emotional pain, that you were numb.

Barely a few leaps away, he was standing beneath a canopy. Kissing another girl.

He didn't even notice you.

"Well, this is just great," you said to yourself in a sarcastic tone.

You thought you cried, but it could've been the rain that was dripping down your chin.

They noticed you.

His eyes widened in surprise, "Y/N?" The girl with him offered to meet him later. "No, you can continue. I'll just be here. It's nice seeing my boyfriend kiss another girl after not seeing him for a month," you said.

"Is this what you wanted?" You said to him. He shook his head, "N-no. I just wanted to talk about... I didn't know she'd be here..."

"Well she was. I guess that's where you were for the last month, am I right?" He looked guilty, and the girl was hiding behind him. You continued, "Your conscience was just starting to bite you on the butt, so you decided to formally break up with me."

He reached out to you, but you slapped his hand away. He sighed and said, "I didn't mean for it to end this way."

"Well, it did. So you can go now. I'll be perfectly fine. I was tired of waiting anyway," your tone was dripping with anger and sarcasm.

After a second of silence, he finally said, "I'm sorry for everything. Don't stay out here too long. You'll catch a cold." As if he actually cared.

You pasted on the fakest smile you could muster, "Sure, you too."

They left without another word, the girl clicking on behind him in her heels.

You sat down on a park bench. The rain was still pouring down and you were still shivering. But you sat there anyway.

And you started crying. All the anger and pain came out in the form of tears.

Suddenly the rain didn't fall on you anymore. You looked up to see a tall man with a coat over a hoodie, holding an umbrella over your head. He took off his coat, put it around your shoulders and then sat down next to you.

"Th-thanks," you said to the stranger. He nodded, "No problem. You looked cold." He had a deep voice. It was calming in a way.

He turned to look at you, you could slightly see his eyes through his sunglasses, "Enjoying the weather?"

You almost laughed, "Yip, it's great. I was planning on going for a picnic later."

"It's the perfect weather for a picnic, right?" He exclaimed.

The two of you laughed.

He pointed toward something, "Is that a friend of yours?"

You looked in the direction he was pointing. Indeed it was. "No, that's just my stalker, Haneul. She won't leave me alone." The stranger laughed at that.

Haneul must've heard you, because she put her hands on her hips. Her pink raincoat had the BTS logo on it.

You sighed, "I guess I should go to her, before she murders me. Thanks for the coat." You started taking it off, but he stopped you, "You can keep it to remember me by. The guy that talked to you about the weather."

"Thanks. This is a memorable day and I would love to keep this coat to remember you, Mr Weather Guy. You truly are a good person. And very unique. Since you wear sunglasses while it's raining..." He chuckled. You bowed and ran to Haneul.

As soon as you reached her, she hugged you. "I heard about what happend, that ass didn't deserve you anyway."

She pulled away and pointed behind you, "Who was that mysterious guy?"

You looked back. He was gone. "Oh, he just appeared out of nowhere, gave me a coat, talked about the weather and left." She looked curious, "He didn't give you a name? He looked oddly familiar..."

You shook your head, "No, he didn't. His face was also covered by a mask and sunglasses, so I couldn't see his face."

She shrugged, "At least you got an expensive coat." You looked down at the coat that was three times your size, "It's expensive? What are you? Some fashion expert?"

Haneul grinned, "I know my Gucci when I see it." You rolled your eyes, "And I know a weirdo stalker when I see one. You just stood there in the distance, staring. It was creepy..."

She stuck out her tongue, "You're mean. I was worried about you! And when I saw you talking to that guy, I didn't want to interrupt."

"So instead you stared from the distance. What if he was a creeper? Would you have left him to attack me?" You said.

She raised an eyebrow, "Y/N, you wouldn't let anyone attack you."


She stared at you a while, her eyes filled with concern. Then she asked, "You're making jokes and being sarcastic to cover your pain."

"No, I'm not, stop being all sappy. I wanna go home before I-- achoo!" You sniffed, "Too late."

Her expression lighted up, "I know! How about you come with me to the BTS concert tomorrow! I've got an extra ticket."

"Why do you have two? You don't even have a boyfriend. That's good though, the poor guy would've died."

She held her chest, "Ouch, Y/N. I only accept Jimin as my one and only true-"

"Stop, before I puke. You don't have a chance, you're one in an ARMY. And there's no chance he'll ever notice you."

"You're way too negative for your own good. What happened to the old Y/N who always shined brightly and stayed positive?" She said that in a sadish voice.

You sneezed again, "That Y/N died when she realised she was just being used."

Haneul put a hand on your shoulder, "What if I told you that tomorrow night could bring back the true Y/N?"

You laughed, "Well if that happens then I'll buy you a new ARMY Bomb."

She smiled mischievously, "Are you prepared to lose that much money?"

You rolled your eyes. You knew you'd win this. "If I win, you have to buy me a cake with strawberries on top. That's much cheaper than the Bomb, but I'll win anyway so I'm going easy on you."

She held out her hand for a handshake, "It's on." You shook her hand.

Then you remembered something, "Why do you have two tickets?"

She looked grim, "You don't know how hard they are to come by... And how easy they are to lose..."

She patted your back, "Welcome to the fandom."

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