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♡Eunbyul's point of view♡

She stared at Jungkook's contact on her cell phone screen. He declined yet another call. He hadn't answered a single call in weeks.

She didn't know why. Well, to be honest, she had an idea, but there was no way that Jungkook would've found out about it.

Being a nature photographer, Eunbyul had to go on trips to take photos. She had to leave her boyfriend, Jungkook, behind for a month to go on a trip to Africa to take photos of wildlife for a famous nature magazine. That was how she met Kim Jinwook - a tall, handsome man who resembled Jungkook in some ways. He happened to be the new person hired to be her partner.

They got close during the trip, and even though they both had partners already, they got involved with each other.

Eunbyul never stopped loving Jungkook though. She didn't know why she cheated on him... she loved him. Maybe it was because she missed him so much and when she saw Jinwook, who reminded her so much of Jungkook, she lost her mind.

A tear dripped onto her cellphone screen. What had she done?

How did he find out?

She scrolled to one of the other members' contacts and stopped. Why would any of them answer her? She broke their maknae's heart.

Her phone then lit up and vibrated with Jinwook's caller ID.

She declined the call. Since that night in the rain, where his girlfriend caught them kissing, she never once answered his calls.

The afternoon before that, he told Eunbyul that he was going to break up with his girlfriend to be with her. Eunbyul, however, wanted to stop him. She didn't want to be with Jinwook any longer, since the full realization of what she had done to Jungkook hit her as soon as she and Jinwook returned that morning.

She wanted so desperately to talk to Jungkook and explain what happened and why it happened.

She sighed and burried her face in her arms.

No matter how she explained it, what happened was still wrong and it would still hurt Jungkook.

She was never going to get him back.

And that made her sob in deep sorrow.

♡Your Point of View♡

"When you said you wanted to go for coffee..." Taehyung said almost sounding disappointed. "I meant me serving you coffee, yes," you said with a grin as you adjusted your apron.

Taehyung took a look around at the busy interior of the coffee shop you worked at, then glanced back at you, "So this is your place of work?" He adjusted his mask so it covered most of his handsome features, much to your dismay.

He was wearing a very artsy outfit - a pair of paint-stained jeans and an oversized shirt that had an abstract drawing of a face on it. You loved it.

"Y/N! The customer at table 4 wants a IA topup!" The manager yells at you. "On it!" You yelled back, saluting Taehyung and telling him you'll be right back.

At least the coffee shop wasn't that busy today. You were so glad, because otherwise you wouldn't have been able to meet up with Taehyung.

You finished the order and returned to Tae's table, sitting down in the chair opposite to him. His eyes followed you the entire time and it made you blush.

"When does your shift end?" Taehyung asks after taking a sip of his cola. "In like ten minutes, chill," I answer. He nods and gives a quick smile from under his mask.

Something seemed off. You didn't sense the usual child-like sparkle to his smile. His eyes didn't light up. You wondered if something had happened or if he had just had a busy day.

"Busy day?" You ask with a sympathetic sideways smirk. He lets out a chuckle, "Ooh are you worried about me?" You rolled your eyes to pretend that he was wrong. He takes another gulp of his cola then says, "I'm just worried about Jungkook."

Your heart stopped for a second.

"D-did something happen?"

"His ex tried contacting him again."

You were relieved that nothing too bad had happened, but still worried because of Taehyung's expression. "Oof, is he alright? Is she giving stalker vibes? I hate it when people are like that."

Tae laughs at that, "No, she's not a stalker."

"Good. But what's the matter?"

He was quiet a second, probably recalling the past and deciding if he should tell you or not. In the end it seemed like he trusted you. That made your stomach fill with butterflies.

"It was a very bad breakup," Tae said. "He caught her cheating."

The atmosphere around you started to go in slow motion. The air became thin in your lungs and your heart made slow, painful beats in your chest. The memory of that night resurfaced. The memories of a past you waiting endlessly for a guy that was never going to return, too. You wished you weren't so naive as to hope he would've returned.

"Y/N?" Taehyung asks, snapping you out of the chaos of your mind. His head was tilted to the side and his face held an expression of curiosity mixed with concern.

"I'm just thinking that whomever she is, she didn't deserve him. And instead he should totally opt for a dog or something. At least dogs are loyal." You wanted to say that with more humor than how it came out. Instead, it sounded bitter.

"That is harsh, Y/N. Don't insult dogs. My baby, Yeontan, is a doggie and he did nothing wrong," Tae said with a pout.

"What? I said dogs were loyal."

"You said 'at least' dogs are loyal. So they're bad in all the other ways?"

"No! That's not what I meant! I'm sorry~" you whined.

Tae crossed his arms and pouted, looking away, "If you're really sorry, you'd come have dinner with us tonight. Oh and Haneul is already coming."

You almost burst out laughing at his cuteness. "Fine. I'll do as you ask, Mr Dog-owner."

His child-like grin returned, lighting up his face even if you couldn't see it beneath his mask.

"I didn't see Yeontan the other day at your dorm. Where was he?" You ask, suddenly realizing that you hadn't seen this "doggie" Tae spoke of.

Tae mocked crying, "He is at my parents' house. I'm too busy to take care of him. I can only visit him as often as possible."

You smiled warmly at the handsome deep-voiced singer, "Well, next time I wanna go too. I'd love to meet your baby."

Tae eagerly nodded.

You didn't know if he intended it or not, but Taehyung changed the subject and lifted your mood in the blink of an eye.

You hoped that he would remove all the pain of your past. That smile of his has the power to accomplish anything.

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