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That night when you got home, Haneul was already dressed up and looking gorgeous. She was definitely dressed to impress. "Are you going to a ball, your magisty? Did prince charming invite you?"

She didn't even give notice to your mockery, "Come on, you need to get ready. Oh my gosh didn't you even put on BB cream this morning for work?"

She had you by the arm and was dragging you toward her room, clicking away in her cute heeled boots. In her room she made you sit on her bed.

Here we go again...

Half an hour later you were dressed in a pair of cream coloured plaid shorts with a white shirt, with a doodle of a flower on it, that you got from your own closet (which Haneul reluctantly approved of). You at least got to wear your own white sneakers too.

But she forced makeup on you. Again.

While she smeared the liquids onto your face and brushed powders, she kept talking about Jimin. It was so cute, but by the time she got to straightening your hair, you must've heard "he's so adorable~~ omo he's so handsome~~" 950 000 times.

Yoongi was the one who came to pick you up. You were happy to see him, but surprised that it wasn't Jungkook.

As usual, Haneul slipped into the back, while you sat shotgun.

Yoongi was dressed in a very casual pair of black plaid pants with a sweater. "Why are you guys so dressed up...?"

I sighed and looked with sorrow into his lil' meow-meow eyes, "Haneul, Oppa. Haneul."

He made an "o" shape with his mouth and then smiled, "You look nice."

"Thanks," you answered.

Then as he started driving, you asked, "By the way, wasn't Jungkook going to get us?"

"He hasn't left the training room since this morning."

You remembered what Taehyung told you earlier that day. You suddenly grew very worried for Jungkook, since you knew how he felt.

As soon as you got to their 'dorm', the members all greeted you and Haneul and led you inside.

Haneul looked around, not spotting Jungkook, she asked them, "Yoongi-oppa said that Jungkook was busy training the whole day... Is he still busy?"

Jin nodded, his brows furrowed in concern, "He doesn't come out no matter how hard we try. We all even tried to carry him out.... and well that didn't work so well."

"When it comes to being stubborn and determined, he and Namjoon-hyung have a lot in common," Hoseok said glancing at a protesting Namjoon. "I guess it's a Virgo thing."

Haneul leaned toward you and whispered in your ear, "Or it's like that saying 'like father like son'." You snorted at that.

Taehyung was quietly standing behind the others as they were talking. He looked lost in his thoughts, staring into mid air. Then it was as if he shook himself out of his reverie, then he looked up and you locked gazes. It remained that way for a few seconds, until his broke out into a soft smile and he mouthed the words, "You look beautiful." Your cheeks grew warm and you smiled shyly back, taken by surprise. You mouthed the words, "Thanks. You always do."

His soft smile turned into an embarrassed chuckle, catching the attention of the other members. They stared at him and then at you, completely confused.

You broke the silence by making your way into the house and saying in a deep professional voice, like some kind of psychologist, "So can someone point me to the training room? I've got a patient waiting for me." You took a few strands of your hair to make a moustache for effect.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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