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Dear Marnie ,

Ello little sister <3 How are you ? I hope your not crying about me because I always wanted you to smile. Your smile brightens my day and I can still see it from heaven. Marnie you are an awesome sister and I'm so glad I met you. I will always be your big brother and if you ever needed me I was always there for you even if i was late with the replies. Well you have another brother too it's kevin you remember him right ? Of course you do he is your brother aswell and he will always be here for you because i made him promise me that he would. Now smile for me :D.... Where is that beautiful smile ? Where is it I don't see it ... Come on you can do better than that . lets see some teeth in that smile.... Preety please. 

I love you Marnie

You are the best little sister a guy can have

and I'm not just saying that

I don't care if we are not related by blood

You will always be my little sister in my eyes

So from now on your a Martinez *claps* YAAAAAY

Well don't tell your parents that because they'd probably look at you weird and tell you i'm a rapist or something. so in your heart and mine your a martinez and I love you. I would have made this a little longer but you know i'm a little lazy poo poo head ooo righ here * Give you apple juice* oh and here * gives you pickle jar* There you go you can have them there all yours I won't be needing them anymore.

I love you marnie with all my heart and I want you to stay strong for me. Be the best person you could be and live your life to the fullest.Love your big bro

- Justin <3

Justin's Final Words To The Ones He LovedWhere stories live. Discover now