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Dear Indigo,

Hey I know you met me a little late and your probably wondering why your getting this letter well I guess I'm going to explain it to you. A few weeks into july I went in for a check up like any normal person and I thought everything was fine until the doctors got the results back and they told me I had Thyroid Cancer. I decided not to go through with Chemo because I heard that you die faster. Well long story short if you reading this before october or in the middle of october I was wrong the cancer took over and I'm gone now . I just wanted to say thank you because you helped me and you didn't even know me. I like that about you , Your a great person and I hope you stay like that . We may have not known eachother for a long time but I'll say it anyways . Indigo I love you <3 Your an amazing person and I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me. You told me that if I ever needed to vent that I should go to you but I have a favor to ask of you and you don't have to go through with it if you don't want to I completely understand. Now my favor is that you do the same for my sister Lovely_Lyrics and my bestfriend _Kevin_ you see they might not want to admit it but they are just like me they don't like to vent but sometimes it's all they need . Thanks indigo <3 It was nice meeting you :D 

- Justin

Justin's Final Words To The Ones He LovedWhere stories live. Discover now