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Dear Sky,

Hey it's me the boobie molester xD I'm talking to you right now and it's sad to say this but i'm crying right now. Sky I hardly know you but for some reason I feel so close to you , your like a little sister who is pretty awesome^.^ Sky your amazing and I love you I'm so happy I met you although you met me at a bad time I'm still glad we met. Even thought we won't have as many memories I want you to cherish the ones we have because it's the little things that people miss the most. Hey sky ? Don't forget about me ok , As I said before I hardly know you but don't forget me. We have to meet one day maybe not here on earth but one day we will meet and it's just going to be a really fun day. Take care sky ^.^ Don't miss me to much because I won't be gone I'll be taking the worlds biggest nap until we meet again. Hey sky do my a favor. Take care of yourself and if you can take care of my wife for me ? It's all I'm going to ask of you oh and Smile for me no matter how tough it is in this cruel world just keep your head up because it will all get better soon and all you have to do is just wait for that day to come. Your a strong girl sky and I believe in you. Your also really funny and you brighten my day with that Titties like a Woman person xD one day will squeeze his boobs and then your going to take a picture of it ^.^ One day.... Take care hun remember I love you and smile ^.^

- Love Boobie Molester :D

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