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LEA !!!

Dear Lea ,

Hey how are you ? I hope your doing ok but your probably not since you reading this letter knowing that I'm gone. Lea we didn't talk as much wait what am I saying we talked and I learned that your amazing. Remember when I met you ? We started talking about how my story is way better than twilight then we talked about how edward cullen is probably related to tinker bell xD. What about when I told you people would see my pickle and I showed you my pickle jar just to see if you had a negative mind then I said everyone would see my nips and I showed you a baby bottle xD. I'm weird I know but hey normal is over rated. Well lea I didn't write you a letter before because I thought you were mad at me but now that we are on good terms and your not mad at me I'm writing you this letter. Lea your my wuddle buddy and you always will be because your little and cuddle sized and we will always cuddle ! I hope your smilling right now because here comes the bad part. Your reading this now so it means the cancer took over and this is sort of a goodbye letter but it's not forever because we will meet again someday trust me . Lea your amazing and beautiful and you were like a sister to me and I know you had a small crush on me. Oppsie don't worry kevin didn't tell I just found out on my own and I think it's just so freaking adorable. I will not lie I had a small crush on you to but then I got mad at you when your were taking rocky's side but now that rocky and I are on good terms I'm not mad at you anymore I can't be mad at you , you can choose your friends ANYWAYS Lea I love you and I just want you to know that you are an amazing girl and you should always smile because of that. I love you lea and you will forever be my wuddle buddy.

Don't forget about me ...

- Justin aka Wuddle Buddy <3

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