Bri <3

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Dear Bri,

Hey love <3 how are you? Are you doing ok ? I hope your keeping my promise :D. Bri I love you , your amazing and I just wanted you to know that. *Moaning Sounds* and Bri forever :D remember that? Of course you do :D Well bri you knew soon enough that I would have to say goodbye but i don't want to say goodbye. I want to say I'll se you later because I will see you later just not soon. Bri your like my sister and you were there for me through a lot and I don't think I ever said thank you so Thank you Bri thank you for everything. Your amazing bri and I love you so much I'd even share my pickle jar with you* hands you pickles* here take as much as you want. Bri I need you to hang in there for me . It will get better I promise you it will and if it doesn't I'll come back and you can slap me ^.^ I give you permission to do so. Bri when I met you it was like BAM! Awesome person in yo face and now it's like Sad face but I don't want it to be like that. Remember I love smiles I make everyone promise me that they would smile including you bri so smile for me *takes picture* I'll take this with me:D Bri your amazing and I hope you never forget me because I will never forget you , you left footprints on my heart. THE GOOD KIND ! You stepped in my life and now I never ever want to let you leave I wouldn't allow it never in a million years. I may not be here anymore but i will always watch over you bri I promise. Take care of youself bri please smile for me or I just might tickle you <3 I love you Bri <3 Bri and *moaning sounds* for ever and always. Partners for life. <3

Don't forget about me <3

- *moaning sounds*

Justin's Final Words To The Ones He LovedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang