The gangsta's husband

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Tony awoke to find his Peter sleeping and cuddling up at his bare chest. The blue glow of his arc reactor illuminated Peter's face perfectly. The raven haired gangsta looked at the time.

"Shit!" Tony stated and shot up to get dressed. He had that meeting in half an hour. After throwing his suit on and writing Peter a note he bolted out of the door.

Peter awoke and couldn't see Tony. However, he could see a note and so he read it.

"Peter, last night was incredible. I'm so sorry hunny, but i'm at a meeting at the moment. I'll be home as soon as i'm done. Love you x -T.S"

Peter smiled at this, but then heard his phone go off. He answered it. It was Ned.

"Dude! Tony Stark just ran past me and there were these guys chasing him! That was crazy!" Ned laughed. Peter hung up and got dressed. He didn't care what Tony had said. He was going to save him.

Tony ran to the cliffs. Steve Rogers (a gangsta boss) was running after him. Yes, he had fucked it up again. They were demanding that he marry so he could be a gangsta boss too. He had of course refused. He heard Steve catching up to him and so kept running. Tony sprinted up onto a ledge and then turned. Steve was approaching him at an alarming rate. He was fucked.

Peter sprinted up the ledge and past a fire, that had clearly just been lit, and up to the blonde male. Steve had no idea that Tony's boyfriend was behind him. Neither did Tony. Peter kicked Steve's back which sent him to the ground on his face. Tony looked at Peter shocked.

"Peter, hunny, what are you doing here?" Tony enquired scared.

"My friend called and said he saw you running from him....i can't lose you.." Peter cried.

"You never will sweetheart." Tony spoke confidently and hugged the smaller male.

"What did he want?" Peter enquired gently.

"For me to marry. So i could be a boss." Tony spoke. Peter held his head down.

"I'm should leave me and marry..." Peter sniffled and wiped his eyes.

"No. I'll never leave you baby. He never specifically said who i had to marry so..." Tony trailed off and dug deep in his pocket before finding what he wanted. He got down on one knee. Peter gasped and cried.

"Will you, Peter Benjamin Parker, marry me? Be a gangsta's husband?" Tony enquired and looked up at him.

"Yes!" Peter cried out in happiness. Tony smiled and slipped the ring onto Peter's finger before kissing him. Tony picked Steve up and they walked back to Tony's black limo. He threw Steve in the back and got in the drivers seat with his fiancee next to him. They drove back to his tower.

Tony threw a tied up Steve to the floor of his tower. Peter followed him in soon after.

"What are you gonna do Stark?" Steve spat.

"Well it might interest you to know that i'm getting married. So i'll be taking your place." Tony sang.

"In your dreams." Steve growled out.

"Last time i checked you weren't married. I will be." Tony smirked. He then untied Steve and punched him mercilessly. Peter watched, but did nothing. He was gonna be marrying Tony and he was so in love that anything Tony did he was ok with. Tony was so in love with Peter that anything he did he loved.

Steve tried to fight back, but was ultimately knocked to the floor. Tony got ontop of him and wrapped his hands around Steve's neck. Peter watched as his fiancee strangled Steve to death. Steve choked and gargled as Tony's grip on his throat tightened. Then there was silence. No struggle. Nothing. Tony got up. The raven haired gangsta boss walked up to his fiancee and placed his hands on his waist. Peter sighed and placed his hands on Tony's shoulders.

Tony was actually surprised that Peter was not scared of him. He had just killed a man after all. But, Peter didn't care. He didn't even looked phased at the fact that the man he was going to marry had just killed someone. Tony knew that he and Peter would now have more protection as Tony was now a gangsta boss and Peter would be his husband. Tony leaned down and encaptured the other males lips with his. Peter kissed back and placed his hands on Tony's neck to pull him closer.

The only reason Tony chose to become a boss was for more protection for his Peter. Tony was truly in love with him. Peter looked out at the city from the balcony. He didn't care that Tony had just killed a man or that he was a gangsta. He loved him. He looked down and saw Tony in the yard. Tony looked up.

"Peter, sweetie, i'll be back in a minute. I'm just getting rid of Steve ok?" Tony called up to him.

"Alright. Be back soon." Peter called back.

"I will!" Tony shouted as he began walking.

He came back about two minutes later. Peter welcomed him and kissed him. Tony kissed back while wrapping his arms around the brunette's waist to pull him closer.

"You sure you want to marry me?" Tony enquired before kissing Peter's neck.

"A thousand percent certain...i love you." Peter pressed out.

"I love you too baby." Tony replied. In the morning Tony would begin arrangements for their grand wedding.

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