The wedding

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It turns out that Tony was now the gangsta boss of a group called the Avengers. It consisted of him, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff, James Rhodes, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson and some weird dude called Vision. And of course Tony had complete control over all of them. But soon Peter would to. They were getting married that week.

"You look beautiful Peter." Natasha said as she lowered his veil. Wanda also smiled and nodded.

"Am i enough for Tony?" Peter enquired gently.

"More than enough sweetie." Natasha responded. They were under strict orders to always listen and pay attention to anything that Peter said or did. Tony was completely smitten.

"Do i look alright?" Tony enquired while fiddling with his suit.

"You look fine." Bruce said while fiddling with his own suit. This earned him a glare from Tony.
"Honestly you look fine."

"Alright." Tony spoke and stopped to look in the mirror.

Tony glanced nervously down the aisle. He was awaiting his angel to walk down the aisle and finally be his. Bruce was behind him as his best man. Clint was being Peter's best man. The music started causing Tony to immediately look down the aisle. His breathing hitched and tears formed in his eyes. His Peter was stunning, walking down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers. His suit (the one in the pic) was completely breathtaking. What had Tony done to deserve him?

Peter smiled from under the veil at Tony. Tony wiped his eyes before taking Peter's hands and rubbing them gently. The brunette smiled and passed his bouquet to Clint. Clint took it and smiled at him to reassure him. Both males faced each other once again and their eyes connected.

"You look gorgeous sweetheart." Tony whispered.

"You look so handsome." Peter whispered straight back.

"Do you Tony Stark, take Peter Parker to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health?"

"I do."

"And do you Peter Parker, take Tony Stark to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom."

Tony smiled and gently lifted the veil that hid his Peter's face. As soon as he saw his face he smiled at the beauty. Peter smiled back. The raven haired man leaned down and encaptured the other males lips with his. Cheers sounded throughout the crowd when Peter kissed back. Tony pulled away.

"I love you Peter Stark." Tony spoke.

"I love you too Tony Stark." Peter replied.

They walked back down the aisle smiling and happy. Then the real party began. Everyone ran to the food and dance floor. Tony and Peter sat at the grand table and watched as everyone had fun. It was official now that Peter was the husband of a gangsta, but he was ok with that. As long as Tony loved him, which he did, he was happy. They danced, laughed and ate and drank.

Tony smiled at the beauty, who was now his husband. In his years, he'd done some pretty bad shit. So Tony was completely baffled that he had a fallen angel like Peter as his husband. He raised Peter's hand to his mouth and gave it a small kiss. Peter smiled at this and watched as Tony placed his hand back down on the table as if it were glass. The brunette had never thought he would meet someone as loving as Tony. Tony worshiped the ground he walked on. But, Peter did have to wonder whether there were other reasons for this marriage.

" aren't just marrying me to become a boss are you?" Peter enquired gently as he was scared. Tony gave him a stern look.

"Of course not! I love you more than anything! More than words can explain! I love you." Tony spoke confidently. Peter could tell he meant it.

Tony leaned over and pressed a loving and passionate kiss on Peter's lips. Peter didn't hesitate to kiss back. All of the Avengers clapped and cheered when Tony led Peter to the dancefloor. If they were being honest, they wanted to see the first dance between them. Tony placed his hands on Peter's waist and Peter placed his hands on Tony's shoulders. They began their dance, swaying with the music. They shared many smiles and small giggles throughout the dance, which only made it better. They truly were star crossed lovers.

Tony awoke the next morning in a hotel room and in a grand bed next to Peter. They had of course fucked the night before and it was, for lack of a better word, amazing. The gangsta boss had made sure that he had no meetings or arrangements for the next week, so he could have his honeymoon. The Avengers were tagging along for protection of the couple. Tony was extremely grateful for that as he wanted his Peter yo have the best. And the Avengers were the best.

Peter gazed out at the sea as he and Tony were sat at a table enjoying their honeymoon. The Avengers were all close, but were making sure to give the newly wed couple their privacy. He leaned into Tony's hand that was stroking and rubbing his cheek.

"Your so gorgeous." Tony spoke.

"Thank you. I love you." Peter replied.

"I love you more darling." Tony smirked before leaning in for a kiss. Their lips entertwined in a love filled kiss. Neither male would trade this for the world.

 Neither male would trade this for the world

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