On the run

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Tony opened the door to his home and heard sobbing. He immediately ran up the stairs and to the bathroom where the sobbing was coming from. Peter's head turned to face the bathroom door when a knock sounded. The brunette tried to cover up the fact that he had been crying and then opened the door.

"Peter honey, are you alright?" Tony enquired and rubbed his back. Peter nodded and took a shaky breath.

"I'm ok...how was the meeting?" Peter enquired while wiping his eyes. Tony kissed away any tears that fell before kissing his husband's soft and chapped lips. Peter kissed back and gripped the raven haired man's neck to deepen the kiss. They pulled away.

"Boring. Now what's wrong sweetie? You know i hate to see my love sad..." Tony whispered into his ear. Peter sighed and built up the courage.

"Um...Tony...i'm p-" He was cut off by Tony's phone ringing. Tony growled and got out his phone, but answered without hesitation when he saw it was his security guard.

"What is it?" Tony spoke harshly and held his husband's hand tightly.

"There's a gangsta boss coming your way! We tried to stop him, but he's one of Steve's friends! He was too strong Tony! He's coming!" Natasha screamed before the call disconnected. Tony looked at Peter with worry. Peter's gaze held the same amount of worry.

"Sweetheart we have to leave now!" Tony yelled and Peter nodded still gripping Tony's hand. Tony swung the bathroom door open and ran out picking up his rifle before anything else. The brunette followed and never let go of his husband's hand neither did Tony. He wanted to know that his husband, who he cared for so much, was safe. They ran in unison towards the back of the tower, but stopped in fear when they heard the door got shot open. Tony turned and locked the door to the room they were in which just so happened to lead to the stairs to the back of the house. Peter was crying in fear, but he stayed next to Tony.

"Right we need to run to the back of the house. Stay with me sweetheart. Don't leave my side...i will protect you whatever it takes." Tony spoke before pressing a kiss to Peter's lips. Peter whimpered and kissed back. The raven haired gangsta boss swung the door leading to the stairs open and ushered his husband in first before closing the door and locking it behind them. They ran down the stairs with Peter in front of Tony so he could be protected if anything were to happen. The door above them opened. Peter was about to let out a scream of fear when Tony covered his mouth and put a finger to his lips to say be quiet. Tony used his bracelet to control his AI, who was given the command to make something fall over elsewhere. Everyone heard it and the gangsta boss who was after them shut the door and ran to the sound, which gave Tony and Peter the opportunity to run.

The snow underneath Tony's and Peter's feet crunched as they ran through the forest to get to safety. Tony's ringtone sounded. He pulled it out and saw it was Natasha.

"Hello?" Tony spoke while still gripping Peter's hand tightly and the other one holding his rifle and phone.

"Tony! Did you get out alright?!? What about Peter?!?" Natasha instantly enquired as she was terrified for their safety.

"Nat we got out fine. Who the fuck was that boss?" Tony asked pissed that his Peter had been endangered.

"His name was Bucky Barnes. He had a metal arm...we couldn't stop him sir...he was too strong and..." Natasha trailed off.

"Go on." Tony growled and rubbed Peter's hand before giving it a quick kiss. Peter looked around in worry.

"He killed Pietro..." Natasha sighed. Tony's eyes went wide and he gripped Peter's hand a bit tighter.

"Call me when you know where he is and then find him. Understand?" Tony responded.

"Yes sir. I'll call you when i know." Nat hung up. Tony looked at Peter and then kissed his cheek before his lips. The brunette kissed back with the same amount of love hat Tony had put in the kiss. Tony then pulled away and looked at Peter before looking around and then remembering something. He had a cabin deep in the woods for situations just like that one.

"Honey i have a cabin not to far from here. We should probably go there. Are you ok sweetheart?" Tony enquired before kissing the brunette's hand. Peter nodded slightly.

"I'm ok...are you?" Peter asked before rubbing Tony's cheek. Tony gazed into his eyes and then gave him a love filled kiss. Peter kissed back and rubbed Tony's neck as the snow fell on them. The white around them highlighted their features perfectly and made them seem illuminated. Peter pulled away this time.

"I'm alright sweetie...i'm just scared for you... promise to never leave my side until this is all over." Tony spoke and looked into the chocolate eyes of his husband.

"I promise Tony i never will leave your side...i'm scared..." Peter admitted. Tony nodded.

"It's ok...i've got you sweetheart...no one will ever hurt you while i'm here...i'd rather die than let them hurt you...let's go." Tony spoke and began walking in the snow with more still falling on their heads. Peter followed, checking over his shoulder at every small noise made. They made it about 5 minutes later.

Tony locked everything. The door, the windows and actually boarded up weak spots that he spotted or knew of. Peter watched him and rubbed his stomach. Now that he thought about it he was actually very hungry. Their eyes melted into one and other again. Tony's eyes held love, but a bit of an aggressive and protective hint. Peter's eyes held fear, but still love for his gangsta husband.

"There. We should be safe here until Nat calls to say where he is or they have him. Want something to eat honey?" Tony enquired. Peter nodded his head quickly causing the slightly older male to laugh. "What do you want then sweetie?" Tony asked.

"Um...whatever you'll make for me..." Peter responded and fiddled with his hands. Tony could tell something was wrong with his husband. He slowly approached him and kissed him to reassure him. It kind of worked.

"Now. What's wrong sweetheart? You know you can tell me anything." Tony said before kissing his warm cheek.  Peter knew he had to tell him and so he looked up and his eyes met with his husband's.

"Tony...i went to see Bruce today and..." Peter trailed off terrified of what Tony would say.

"Mhm? Go on sweetie..." Tony reassured.

"I'm pregnant."

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