3.Getting Caught

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Alex looks at the men chasing after him. He was so scared that he was running for his dear life.

"I'm gonna die" he repeated this phrase over and over while he was running.

He didn't know where he was going all he know was, he had to get away from where he was.

As he was running he called his friend on the phone but his call wasn't going through.

His friend's phone began to ring but his friend doesn't seem to lift his call

"Shit" he mumbled before tucking his phone inside his jeans pocket as his phone low on battery and it switched off

The lush jungle was like a maze, without direction you wouldn't even know where you were going or where you came from. It was difficult to get out of this jungle even in the broad light and in the night it was out of question.

The sun was set many hours ago there was no light at all and the moonlight was not helping much, alex couldn't see where he was going all he could hear was the voices of the men chasing him. They had tourches in there hands as they followed him.

After running for a while he thought it was useless to run anymore because he didn't seem to find the way out of the lushes so he thought the best thing he could do was to hide from those men.

He squatted down and hide himself behind a huge bush. He could hear rustling sounds and slowly the rustling sound faded away.

After a few minutes alex thought he was safe and was about to move...

"Got you" a deep voice sounded behind him.

He froze in his place and didn't dare to turn back.

He heard rustles again and before he knew he was surrounded by his men.

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