Chapter 2

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I still remember what they did to me At the foster homes I been to threw out my life. You may be wondering why I was in Forster care well my parents we're murdered in front of me I watched as the killer suck the living life out of them. My parents had told me to hide in the closet and hold my breath for as long as I can. I was scared but did as I was asked . I don't remember much about the killer cause it happened years ago but one thing I will always remember is his eye. They were blue. Like their was no emotion in his eyes as if he done this before but their was also a tuch of sadness in them but I couldn't feel bad for the man that killed my parents. The one thing I'm scared of the most is that, that man Is still out their acting like a victim but in the inside he a killer , a monster who I never intense of meeting. My only question is why? Why did you kill them that's my only question. I mean they weren't the greatest parents but they didn't deserve to die no one does. Sure my parents would abuse me and say mean things to me but their karma was way worst then mine. When I was little about 6 years old they had done an experiment on me and they had said it was my faith to be born to kill. They made me... No the word I'm looking for is forced me into believing that I was a killer and once me and my cousins were in the lake house we were playing by the water and my cousin had pushed in my brother inside the lake a little to hard and every one new that my brother couldn't swim. My cousin was screaming for help by the time my parents had came it was to late Johnny had died. My mother had asked what happened and my cousin , my own cousin turned on me and blamed it on me. Everybody believed her . And since then on I was abused by those people so much for family.

And my karma was that I will always be alone and that I won't ever be loved by no one . Also be hated by other when i
don't even know why .

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