Chapter 4

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Right now I'm heading back to Mystic falls. My home town , i missed it here I was born her then my died . Ridding in the motorcycle that Isaac bought me a while back I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

(Flash back)

I was in mines and Isaac apartment. I was cleaning the kitchen. When Isaac had called me and said " babe I'm going to need you to come down stairs to the parking lot" he said sweetly " why is something wrong, are you ok " I asked " I'm fine just hurry ok" he said " ok I'm going wait" I said an then clicked . I put the wet rag down and hurried down the stairs where I can see Isaac smiling excitedly " why did you need me babe" I asked " close your eyes baby I got something for you" he said " ok" I said. When he told me to open them I saw that most beautiful thing in the world. " is this for me " I said hopefully it was " anything for you my love, anything for you baby girl and that night I will always remember not only because of the motorcycle but he took something more (my virginity)



When I got their I went to the mystic grill to get a drink. When I sat at the bar I heard people whispering and wondering who I was. I ignored them something I'm good at. I asked the guy who's name tag said Matt to get me a strong drink. " ID please" he asked

Fuck I'm screwed I thought "please I'm over 22 can I just have a drink and ill bring my ID next time I come I promise" I said " No ID no drink " and he walked away. I sighed and let out a loud groan. " Now why is a pretty girl all alone here" I heard a voice said behind me. I turned and saw a guy with blue eyes black hair and black vest " that's none of your concern" I said rudely " oh , now we got a feisty one here" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes and said "what do you want" " well everybody in town is talking about the new girl in town "he said " I'm not new i know my way around here.

I was born here " I said annoyed now. "Then why haven't I seen your face before I will never forget that beautiful face of your and never the less your body " he said looking down at my body as if I was a piece of meat " your nasty and disgusting" I said as I walked out only to bump into a hard chest. I tried to lift myself up only to be pushed back down. "Watch we're your going stupid ass blind bitch" a guy said with black and brown hair and brown eyes .

Note ill update 2morrow

The originals love story (klaus)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن