Chapter 5

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As I picked myself up I said "excuse me you where the one that runner into me ". And then I just walked out whispering " jerk " under my breath. I wish Isaac was here he would make everything better. He would probofly
Fight him. But he wouldn't because I don't like fights or arguments they remind me of my past.
I walked up to my bike and saw a guy admiring It. I walked up and said "hey,
Wats up ? " he tuned around "nothing I just haven't seen a bike like that before, it's unique" he said. "It should be because it's hand made " I said smiling at what Isaac created . "No way your a girl you couldn't build this thing even if you wanted to " he said surprised. " I may be a girl but I'm still capable to do things that guys do to " I said rudely. Who does he think he is . "Oh I'm sorry , I was just surprised that's all,love. I'm Niklaus but you can call me klaus what's your name???" He said . I wasn't going to to give my name to a complete stranger so I got on my bike and ignored him. Turning on my bike when he said " your not going to tell me your name " i shouted back " NO" and left him there.

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