Part 2

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The owner was part of a group going by the name Unraided, a group famous in the world of hacking for selling guns, drugs and stolen technology. They were somewhat infamous with law enforcement and their identities unknown. I also couldn't help but notice the logo. It was a black reverse triangle, maybe the logo has a meaning behind it, or perhaps to throw users off from investigating further into the group. Whatever the reason, I'm willing to find out what this group were planning and their motives for participating in these illegal activities.

First thing I checked for was their supplier, which seemed to be unknown. I then checked to see if they had a location, again it showed up as unknown. They did have contact details though, so I saved their contact details to call them later. After exhausting the information on their webpage, I moved onto gathering more info via direct contact.


Following the instructions, as shown on the webpage, I loaded the chat program and sent a direct message to the laptop's owner. Surprisingly he replied asking who I was and what I was looking for; I had to be careful not to come across as an undercover agent or cop. If he were to suspect me of being an undercover cop, I wouldn't be able to dig up information about him or the group.

To be on the safe side, I introduced myself using an alias instead of my real name. "Johnson is it?" wait! How did he know my real name!? That's when I figured it out, the webcam was on and watching me, how did this guy know I would pick up the laptop? More importantly, how did he have the laptop's webcam automatically turn on as soon as I log in? It seemed too suspicious, maybe this was a ploy to gather peoples personal information without them knowing. The way the laptop's webcam came on as soon as someone logs onto the computer. The way the user, on the other end, knows your name, it all seems to link to this group stealing information.

The Truth Revealed

My theory is that the group is using this ploy to secretly take people personal information to sell on the dark web. That would explain how they are making lots of money to fund their shady business. Of course, that was just a theory, and even if it weren't the truth, they'd be hiding something for sure.

Though the question still had me wondering, how did the laptop end up in a public place like an internet cafe? Wouldn't it cause suspicion for an unknown person to walk into an internet cafe and leave his laptop lying around for anyone to take? Unless he got someone else to transport the computer for him, that has to be it. He must've got a random guy to carry the laptop to avoid suspicion when leaving it in the internet cafe, this way he doesn't get seen in public and the computer gets transported to the desired destination. So now that's out of the way, I just needed to figure out who these people were. If only I knew where to start.

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