Chapter 1

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*Alyssa's P.O.V* (Tail on top)

Jacob had changed. He wasn't the same anymore. He had cut his hair, gotten a tattoo and doesn't even talk to me anymore. It kills me. It was like he joined a gang, and yet Dad does nothing. In fact, he supports it. I used to be friends with most of them but now they've all gone into the same gang and I've been left alone. I've never been good at making friends, so now I stay by myself. It never bothers me that I have no friends. I got used to it after a while. It makes keeping my secret the tiniest bit easier.

I stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the small waves below. Softly crashing against the cliff face, calling to me. I loved cliff diving with a passion, so when my new secret came along, I didn't stop. I was just cautious now. It was safe for diving. I wore a simple white bikini, and wrapped my arms around myself before taking a few steps back. Running forwards, I jumped. The feeling was amazing. The feeling of falling wasn't knew to me. I loved cliff diving with Jake, only he never did it with me anymore. He did it with Sam's cult.

I landed in the water, instantly shivering at the cold but swam up easily. I smiled as I broke for air, looking down at my tail. Jacob wasn't the only one with a secret, so for that, we were even. I frowned upon hearing laughing and looked up the cliff to see Jacob and his gang. Or should I say Sam and his gang. My eyes widened as I saw them all jump.

Panicked I dove under the water and swam a safe distance away. I watched underwater as they all playfully pushed each other under. Being underwater now as a mermaid, nothing was blurry. It was like before when I'd wear goggles only I didn't have to wear them anymore.

I swam up for air. Every two minutes I need air. I was new at this but I knew the basics at least. Taking a breath, I stopped to study my brother's new buddies. I recognised Sam and Paul, who I didn't like to begin with. Next to Paul, was Leah and Jared who talked, or argued it was hard to tell. Jacob and Seth were laughing together and for once I was happy Jacob had met his gang. Although he ignored me, I was happy that he was happy. Jacob shoved Seth playfully, making him face me ever so slightly. His face was soft and happy, different from the others. His eyes were soft and gentle as well. He turned his face his eyes making contact with mine.

He froze, as did I. It was a difficult feeling to explain, but it was most definitely amazing. I felt connected to him somehow, even though I already knew him.

"Alyssa?" Jacob called, breaking me from my staring.

It was then I realised I was still a mermaid. I panicked and turned, going back under into the water. Shit.

*Jacob's P.O.V*

"Alyssa?" I shouted.

Never once had I saw her in the sea on her own. She blinked and looked at me before widening her eyes and swimming away. I couldn't believe my eyes. As she swam under, instead of seeing legs go under the water, I saw a tail. A pink-purple tail. I was so confused. Turning I saw the pack looking the same place with wide-eyes. They saw it too.


I wrote this at 1:02am so please don't judge. It will get better I promise, and I know it's rushed but I had to get straight into the story to get the plot going. Please be patient, but I hope you enjoyed.


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