Chapter 5

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*No-one's P.O.V*
Alyssa didn't want to spend her week waiting for the cast on her left foot and brace on her right to be taken off by a professional, so she took it upon herself to hobble into the empty garage and grab Jake's saw. She was there for a long time, considering the saw couldn't even get through the first layer of blue cast, which was littered with drawings and messages from the pack. Jared deemed it necessary to draw a huge penis on the front, which added to her reason of wanting it gone.

Conversation from outside of the big garage door  made her widen her eyes and saw faster, making a bigger line across of the cast, which soon sawed all the way through, hitting her leg.

"Fuck," she hissed, wiggling the saw out and trying to snap the cast off fully, trying to pry it open with her fingers.

Soon enough the garage door was open, and Jacob, Seth and Sam looked at her with questionable looks.

"What the fuck, are you special or something?" Jacob walked over grabbing the saw and frowned.

She was quick to hit her leg off the bench, the rest of the cast snapping off. It hurt like hell, but she didn't complain considering she was the one to cause the pain.

"Very," She replied jumping up wincing as she applied weight onto her leg.

"I'll call Dad," Jacob warned and Alyssa's eyes darted upwards in fright.

"No, you wouldn't. You traitor!" Alyssa smiled sarcastically and hobbled to the sofa.

"So what are we doing about bitch face?" Alyssa flopped down and threw her arms behind her head.

"If by bitch face you mean Victoria you're staying out of it," Jacob concluded, and Seth and Sam nodded in agreement.

"Oh come on. Why? I nearly had her though."

"Yeah and look where that lead to," Sam pointed out, gesturing to her arm in a cast and badly bruised legs.

"Yeah, at least now I know what to look for," she shrugged jumping up and grabbing a jacket that was hung by the door.

"Where are you going now?" Jacob sighed annoyed.

"Swimming would you like to come?" She smiled sarcastically, shrugging it onto her shoulders.

"Yes actually. Now Victoria knows about you, we don't trust her to leave you out of it," Jacob retorted throwing his arm over her shoulder with a grin.

"Fuck me," she muttered angrily before walking out the door with Jacob not far behind her.


Swimming was terrible. As soon as she had transformed, her legs were in immense pain and she soon left drying off quickly. When she was out though, her legs weren't as bad as before, however the slight limp still pissed her off immensely.

"C'mon, we're going to the bloodsuckers," Jake spoke, and although he didn't mean to take it out on her, his tone was quite angry.

"Ah, joy," Alyssa grimaced; seeing the people she stabbed wasn't on her agenda for the day. "Do we have to?"

"Yup. Sam wants to see if Carlisle knows anything about you, so you being there is a must," Jake said, his tone final.

Alyssa pulled a face as she tagged behind Jake, before she jogged up to him.

"Hey so um, you have the entire pack's phone number right?" Alyssa asked speed walking to keep up with Jacob.

"Yes, why?" Jacob answered curiously, peeking down at her, noticing her little grin at his answer.

"So um, that means you have Seth's too right?" She bit her lip mischievously, and tried to hide her smile.

"Yes, why?" Jake repeated, narrowing his eyes as he noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes that they both used to have when they were the troublesome duo.

"No reason, no reason," she covered up, as they walked finally making it to Jacob's car.

He smirked, knowing fine well what she wanted, "do you want his number or something Tiny?"

"Maybe. Let's say just for y'know, convenience," she shrugged, even though she knew that wasn't the answer.

She looked at him as he drove noticing his phone ding. She got a quick glance at the person that message and grinned. Jake groaned.

"Seems like Seth here had the same idea," he grimaced.

Alyssa grinned, flutters erupting in her stomach as she gathered he had been thinking about her. She pursed her lips, as she tried not to laugh.

"You don't want to disappoint two people do you Jakey?" She picked her bottom lip, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Oh, I would never! You should probably get the number out of my phone before I feel terribly guilty for disappointing someone," he spoke dramatically.

"Good idea," she grinned as she copied the number into her phone grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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