Chapter 3

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*Alyssa's P.O.V*

"Explain," I demanded, sick of their delays.

I folded my arms and raised my eyebrows, looking to see who would explain. Jake looked at me seriously from Sam's floor. We were currently at Sam's as it was the group meeting place apparently.

"The legends are true. And we are all shifters. Happy shrimp?" Paul glared.

"Call me shrimp or any other fish name and see what happens," I sipped the water out of my glass raising my eyebrows at him.

"Clownfish," he dared.

I flicked my wrist and the water spilled all over him, not a drop anyway else. I sighed as he started shaking.

"Now do I freeze it or no?" I contemplated out loud, smirking at the glare he sent me.

"Just 'cause you're an imprint doesn't mean I won't get revenge scampi," he growled, the room growing silent.

"What the fuck is an imprint?" I frowned growing frustrated. "As in the ones from the legend?"

I was angry for definite. I told them everything I knew, yet for all I know, I'm only getting half of what they know. They all looked between each other. I looked between them all and scoffed standing up.

"Whatever. Enjoy your new found info. I'll enjoy my half," I walked away, giving a smile to Emily before leaving.

I stood under the porch, instantly regretting my choice. The rain was pouring down fast, the splashes of more water hitting the puddles all around me. I frowned, regretting my choice of coming. Although I had my answers, I had no way of leaving. I pulled my hood up and quickly jumped back as the winds changed blowing the rain towards me.

My back hit a warm surface and I turned to see my brother, stood looking down at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He almost whispered pulling me away from the rain.

"I was scared. I had no idea- still have no idea, of what is wrong with me. And when you stopped talking to me, I assumed you hated me," I replied, the tears welling in my eyes.

"Please. Come back inside and we'll explain it all. We still have a few questions, and I know you probably do," he begged, tears welling in his own eyes.

I bit my lip nervously, before nodding and letting him tug me back in. They were all still sat in the same position, watching me closely from the door.

"What questions do you have?" I sighed following Jacob and sitting beside him on the floor.

Seth raised his hand eagerly, a shimmer in his eyes before I nodded.

"When you cry, do you transform?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes, but only when they actually fall. If they haven't like left my eyes, them I'm okay. From what I've experienced anyway," I shrugged, slowly becoming more comfortable.

Sam raised his hand also, kind of like a student, "Are they any others of your kind?"

I shook my head, "I haven't seen any on my swims and I've swam far."

"How fast can you swim? And how long can you hold your breath?" Seth again.

"Very fast. I swam from the cliff to the other side of the beach in 7 seconds. And from how long I've been underwater, at least two minutes," I smiled proudly.

"Do you have any questions about us?" Sam asked cautiously.

"Yes actually. So I already know about the legends and everything, but I have a few questions. Firstly, if shifters exist, cold ones must too right? Secondly, how am I an imprint?" I asked looking at Sam intently.

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