Chapter 4

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*Alyssa's P.O.V*

"So all the time you snuck out at night to was to stop a vampire from killing Bella?" I frowned, unsure of letting my brother die from a vampire lover.

"Mhm," he grunted as he shoved more muffins in his mouth.

"Hey Lyssa, make this an ice pop will ya?" Embry grinned with a glass of juice and a lolly stick in each hand.

"Put the stick in and hold it then," I smiled, freezing it as a huge ice pop.

"Thanks," he smiled.

Soon enough, Seth wanted one, and the process went on until I returned to Jacob.

"So where does the redhead usually escape to?" I asked curiously.

"The Cullens side or the sea, since vamps can swim and we can't," he frowned, with a huff.

"Okay," I smiled as I tried to think of a plan and surely enough, I did.

"Hey Paul, c'mere a sec," I gestured to the door, and walked out, him following after into the woods.

"Yes fishie?"

I glared before sighing.

"You're all patrolling tonight right?" I asked, slowly pacing.

He hummed a yes, frowning as my pacing continued. My feet were going off on their own, and I glanced up the sky as a crack of thunder roared.

"From now on I'm gonna stay in the sea on a night since that's when you said she appears. So if she makes a swim for it, I might get her," I glanced up at him, rolling my lips.

"Okay, and what then? Chase her until she's out the water?" The sarcasm made me smirk in reply.

"Yeah, well you're forgetting I stabbed a Cullen. I'll make another and try and bring her back to shore," I smiled and clapped to wrap it up.

"I'm guessing you don't want me to tell the pack," he started the walk, back and I joined him at his side.

"Nope. They won't let me. But tell them I'm staying at a friend's. I'm gonna go to the cave."


*3rd person*

It was pitch black outside and the water was also black. With her vision slightly enhanced when under water, what would be blurry to normal people was clear to her, however it was just as dark.

This was her third day of no sleep and staying in the cave, and she was growing exhausted. As she went to pull herself out of the water in the cave onto the ledge, a howl pierced through the small cave entrance.

There were two entrances to the cave, the underwater one, and one that led near the tree line, however it had slightly caved inwards, leaving a small gap for light and sound.

The howl echoed down into the cave and Alyssa dove under the water and out the cave just in time to see a flame like vision, fall into the ocean.

This was it.

She made her dagger quicker than ever, and began her pursuit, following the vampire through the sea. Victoria spun around underwater and grabbed a hold of Alyssa's arm with the dagger. It was a clean snap, and Alyssa found herself screaming underwater, using the last of her air. Trying to swim up with Victoria dragging her back down was not easy, but with a smack from her tail she grabbed the air she needed and returned to chasing her.

Alyssa tried to put an ice barrier between them both, but the lack, of sleep was not helping. Victoria grabbed her tail, swinging her into the side of the cliff, and snapping the only bone inside of it. The vampire grabbed her, and the shock was enough for Alyssa to lose all the breath she managed to hold.

Seth found himself jumping off the cliff to Alyssa's aid, watching Victoria speed away and Alyssa drag herself into the cave. At that moment, all he wanted to do was hug her, but he knew first he had to help her. When he got in the cave she was already in her clothes from three days ago, yet they were fully clean, and not dirty like how he had expected them to be.

She was sobbing, and her legs and arm were bruised, with scratches across her arms and back, most likely from the cliff wall.

"Lyssa!" Seth dragged himself out of the water and over to his imprint in a panic.

"Fuck! I nearly had her," Alyssa sobbed as she leant on Seth, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Sssh, it's okay. It's okay."

And that's what Seth kept telling himself, because it had to be.

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