Chapter 5- The Game (Part 2)

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Ru's POV:

Luna went over to me, looking very happy. "Ru my mom finally officially adopted you!!" She said happily, luckily they guys weren't around, they were in the kitchen while we were in the bathroom doing a bit of makeup. Luna put a bit of metallic makeup on her eyelids.

We walked out of the bathroom and we all walked to the gym, Rochendil had left us to go play for the volleyball team. I smiled at him and waved bye. Luna and Hunter were.... talking?!?! For once they weren't fighting each other.

Luna's POV:

Ru, Hunter, and I sat down and we watched the game. I had put my red beanie on my head, Hunter had tried taking stuff from my bag but I smacked his hand away every time.

~after the game~

"HUNTER GET BACK HERE WITH MY PHONE!!" I yelled and ran after him.

Ru's POV:

Everyone had left and I was in the middle of a conversation with Rochendil until.... "why hello their little fox...." a deep male voice said behind me.


Me Irl: I'm evil.

Ru Irl: Nuuuuuuuuuuu!!

Ru: *still trying to teach Rochendil how to spin daggers, or even just one dagger*

Rochendil: *drops daggers multiple of times*

B???: Hewo!! (The B is the first letter of the name. Guess who a new character is gonna come up!!)

S???: B??? I told you to shut it!! *seems angry* (this is the guy who came up to Ru before the cliffhanger. >:3)

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