Chapter 1

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  A/N at the end    

Chapter Goal 5 votes 6 comments :-)

                                                                  Violet's POV

It had been raining for 3 days now. I thought it would never stop. Looking out my bedroom window just watching as the ditch filled with water. I walked over to my bed and picked up the notebook I had been writing in, reading the 1st line out loud. "My life growing up." I leaned against the head board of my bed and sighed, reading the next line. "Story by Violet Dusty Rezzo" I starred at nothing in the distant and thought to myself 'how could my parents name me Dusty, that's a guys name. I suppose it could be girl's.' I knew that, that was my great grandfather's name on my father's side. I flipped through the notebook and everything I wrote about my life growing up, it was almost full. I thought about everything I had wrote, everything I remembered about my childhood, and not everything was good. My father died when I was 6, my mother, ha my mother, abandoned me and my two sisters Layla and Ava at the market that was a few miles from where we were lived. I was 10, barely 10 at the time, my sister's where 6 and 4. Ava was the youngest of us 3. My mother said she would be right back, she needed to go and speak with the grocer. I stood there for 3 hours waiting for her to come back, 3 hours in the cold with my sisters waiting for her to come back. Finally I decided to go look for her when Ava started to cry because she was hungry and cold. I didn't see mother anywhere, I looked all around and inside the market, but she was no where to be found. I walked back to my sister's to calm Ava down, once I was able to get to stop crying, I looked to Layla who looked like she we getting ready to cry herself. Her nose and lips were turning purple, I took off my scarf and wrapped it around her neck and face, and told her to stay close to Ava, that I would be right back. She just nodded her head, and placed her arm around Ava and sat down. I walked around the corner, turned to looked my sister's "Don't move from there I'll be right back" they both nodded. I thought about going back home to see if mother was there, just leaving my sister's to wait, but then I shook that thought out my mind. I pulled my coat closer and walked into the grocery, the shop keeper was sitting behind the counter not paying any attention he was engulfed in his book. I walked all the way to the back of the store, and reached into my pocket and pulled out 50 cents., some lint and a few rocks. I knew that there was no food in the house only a pitcher of water and half a loaf of bread. I only had enough to maybe buy 2 grams of rice and quart of milk. I looked around as if I were looking for candy, and then back to the shop keeper, he was still engulfed in his book not paying her any mind. I walked over to the ice chest that held the milk and cheese and sighed. At that moment I was relieved that I was wearing my big coat. I stuffed my pockets with 6 slices of cheese, bread, candy, and few hands full of dried meats. I pulled out a quart of milk and grabbed a bag of 2 grams of rice, walking over to the front and placed the items on the counter with a huff. The shop keeper put his book down looking more annoyed than happy to see me, "Is that it?" he asked, rather rudely, I looked at him "yes sir" in my mind 'I also have 6 slices of cheese, bread, candy, and few hands full of dried meats in my pockets. I almost jumped out of my skin when he spoke "That will be 45 cents" I handed him the 5o cents and he handed me back 5 cents I looked at the shinny nickel in my hand and wanted to cry. I grabbed the milk and rice off the counter and started to walk quickly towards the door, when the shop keeper called to me "hey little girl", I stopped dead in my tracks terrified, he knew, he saw me, he's going to call the sheriff, I thought about running, but if I did my sister's would not be able to keep up to me and they would get caught, so I turned around, "I swear..." he cut me off "you forgot your change and a bag." I let out a breath of relief and walked back to get my change and a bag for the milk. He smiled at me, a smile that reached his eyes, now I really felt bad for all the stuff I stole, I was about to tell him what I did when he said, "next time tell one of your parents to come in with you, the owner doesn't like little kids roaming the store alone, but you look like a really good kid" I felt like the worst person in the world and I wanted to give everything back, but I knew that my sister's needed the food, I needed it. I smiled a small sad smile back at him "I will, thank you" I turned around and hurried to my sister's and grabbed Ava by the hand "Come on we have to get home" We walked as quickly as Ava could go, when we got to the house the door was wide open, there was no one in there. Mother was not anywhere, I searched the whole house but nothing. There were some blankets and pillows in my and my sister's rooms, I took everything to the living room and set it all in the middle. Then took my sister's to the bathing room to have them bathe and put on clean warm clothes. I was happy and relieved that mother had left our clothes. She took everything else in the except our stuff. Once my sister's were washed and cleaned I brought them back to living room and sat them on the blankets I had already set out. I went to the kitchen and and poured 3 glasses of milk and grabbed some cheese and bread and went back to my sister's. We sat and ate, once we were done I went to put everything away.  


I have not edited this chapter yet, once the whole book is finished then I'll go back and do it.

Questions please ask. Please don't try and bully me into updating, I have a life and need to pay my bills. I will try to update at least once a week maybe more depending on how life is going.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. please vote and comment!! ;-) 

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