Chapter 2

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I put my book down on the bed and walked back to the window, it had stopped raining. 'When did it stop raining' she thought. I looked out to the lawn infront of the house, the grass still held water, I could see puddles on the sidewalk and the ditch was still full. I sighed and leaned against the window. Again I found myself thinking back to the day my mother abandoned us at that grocery all those years ago. I thought about all the things I did, all the lies I said just to keep food on the table. I hated every moment, hated everything I did. Looking out the window again wondering how my life would have been if mother never had abandoned us. Taking a deep breath "But the bitch did leave, she didn't care if we lived or died!" Tears started to fall down my cheeks, then I started to laugh. "We made it, we did not die." I smiled and started to walk towards my bedroom door when I heard the front door slam. "Sorry Vi" Layla yelled from downstairs. Damn it I hated when they slammed the door.Layla turned into a beautiful 14 year young woman, very bright and has a heart of gold. She finished her schooling early and she was taking advanced classes at the university, my sister was going to be a scholar a very important one. Ava was the sweetest 12 year young lady, she had the biggest most gorgeous puppy eyes, and she could brighten the whole world with her smile, in my eyes it was so. Ava was on her last year of schooling she too is very bright, she plans on going to the university to study herbalism just like the woman she looked up to Elizabeth Blackwell. "Is Ava with you?" I yelled down to Layla from my bedroom door. "No, she's at the bakery, said she would call when she was ready" I walked back into my room and sat on the bed, my mind drifting back to the years past. It had been 10 years right down to the day that mother left just deciding that she longer want to me a mother, without giving a fuck if we were alive or dead. I pushed all those thoughts from my mind, and headed downstairs. She phone rang and Layla yelled "I got it, it's Ava I told her to call when she was ready to come home." The phone had rang 3 times by the time I reached the bottom of the stairs, Layla had already answered. I walked over to where she was and stood next to her. "Hello, no this is Layla, who's this?" Her faced paled and I watched her as her eyes grew wide. "I-it's mother" was all my sister was able to say, she dropped the phone and ran into the parlor. I picked up the phone. "Hello, who is this?" There was no answer. "Who is this!" I almost screamed in to phone still I was welcomed with silence, I was about to hang when I heard. "Hello, that you?" I knew that voice, how dare she call here, how did she get this number. "What the hell do you want? How did you get this number?" There was crying on the other end "Violet....I-I'm so s-s" I couldn't listen to this shit, how dare she. "Don't you dare say that you're sorry, it's to fucken late for that!" She heard that woman cry out alittle louder. "Do not call her again, we do not want to hear from you!" "Wait!" she almost yelled "I want to see you, explain why I did what I did, please"

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