Chapter 4

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I was walking home one day and there was this lady standing outside on the stoop of a very beautiful house. She was smoking, as I was walking by she called to me."You there little pitiful girl, come here" I starred at her for a moment. then walked over to her. "Yes my lady." I was a bit terrified of her. "I am looking for a house servant. I'll pay 2 whole dollars. Do you know anyone." I thought about for a moment. 2 whole dollars could buy half a months worth of dried meat, cheese, flour, rice and milk for my sister's and I. "What would one have to do my lady?" She smiled, walked over to me, and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I need someone who can wash my dresses. They are very expensive and very dear to me, and keep the house spotless, Do you know someone?" I nodded "I can do that my lady, I do need the money, I promise I will be careful and faithful to you." She patted my head and smiled. "Wait here" She walked into her beautiful house and came back out a few moments later with a brown paper bag. "Here child take this, come back tomorrow at 10am sharp, do not be late." She looked me in the eyes and nodded her head. "Yes my lady I will be here, thank you my lady." I ran home and when I opened the bag there was fruit in the bag. Those were very expensive a rare treat to have. There were grapes, oranges, apples, pears, and peaches. When my sister's saw what I had brought they were delighted and squeal at the sight. I told them about my new job that I would start the next. The next day I was a whole hour early, I worked hard everyday for a month. What money I was paid that I did not use for food or clothes, I saved. Lady Elenor was her name. After a month of working in her house, Lady Elenor came to me and told me of a way I could make 10 times the amount and even more of what she paid me. Of course I was very interested. I would do anything for my sister's. When she told me that she was a prostitute and she could me make a lot of money, I didn't want to at first but then I thought about my sister's. In the beginning it was horrible I hated every moment of it. One morning I was leaving to go home and Lady Elenor stopped me. "Violet come here let us talk a bit." I walked into the sitting room. She was alone. "Come child sit with me." I sat down in a chair facing her. "Dear Violet, you have worked her for 3 months, tell me dear how much money have you saved?" I looked down my hands "Just over 50 pounds my lady." She tapped the arm of her chair. "Oh dear that is not enough." I snapped my head up to look at her, she just smiled. "Tell me sweetheart how much is it for the lawyer and the bakery you wish to buy?" I looked her not really sure how it was that she knew all this. She just smiled at me. "The lawyer wants 100 pounds and the bakery is 500 pounds my lady." She stood from her chair, walked over to me and sat on the small table that was just in front of me. "Dear Violet, what you say if you could make 500 pounds in 1 month?" I gasped my eyes lit up and I opened my month to ask, but she placed a finger over my mouth. "Now dear before you say anything. I have watched these past few months and you are a hard worker, I've also seen that you are a very skilled thief." I looked away and began wringing my fingers together. "Lady Elenor...." again she placed a finger over my mouth. "Violet I am not mad at you, I am very impressed, impressed indeed. Tomorrow come here at 9am, I will show you how to make all the money you need and more." She nodded to me. Lady Elenor has been nothing but kind and fair to me, there was no reason not to trust her. I nodded to her and went home. True to her word, I made 500 pounds in 1 month. I was able to pay the lawyer and the bakery in just a few months and stop working for lady Elenor, she was happy for me, for us. I still see her once a week. We have tea and scones that I bake special just for her, orange cranberry her favorite. I was able to buy this manor and even hire staff to keep it. My sister's and I have come a very long way in these 10 years, and now that bitch wants to come in as if nothing happened. 

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