Part 10

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<p>Joel remembered the words Gabe told him the last time he visited his older brother in prison.</p>

<p>I want you to hurt the omega brat.</p>

<p>He didn't argue back. He thought it would be easy, take advantage of him and leave. But Enoch was so trusting and put all faith in joel that it was harder to betray him.</p>

<p>The alpha felt something towards Enoch, he never felt this way about anyone. Be felt like he needed to protect the young omega.</p>

<p>Joel didn't want to end up like his brother. Raping an omega, knocking them up then being put away for life. He didn't even know it was enochs mother who Gabe knocked up until he saw the young omega.</p>

<p>And by god did he look like Patrick;<br />

Soft strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. He had the same frame and height as Patrick.</p>

<p>Joel was in love. He couldn't harm the omega.</p>

<p>Enoch smiled at Joel from the side, they decided on watching a horror movie. Enoch's decision. Joel genuinely thought it was al he had an excuse to get closer to the alpha but to his surprise enoch actually liked horrors.</p>

<p>"Something bothering you joel?" He asked the alpha with wide blue eyes, noticing the alphas worried expression.</p>

<p>He was doomed.</p>

<p>Joel forced out a smile and looked at the omega. Those soft plump lips...</p>

<p>He placed a hand on the omegas cheek and Enoch leaned in to the touch, smiling and fluttering his eyes at Joel.</p>

<p>They locked gazes and started leaning in slowly, joel taking up the space as their lips collided in a soft passionate kiss. Enoch moaned and snaked arms around joels neck. The alpha enjoyed every second.</p>

<p>When they pulled away joel could see the love in Enoch's eyes,</p>

<p>"I love you" he whispered to the omega,</p>

<p>"I love you too" he replied back.</p>

<p>Joel decided there and then that he would protect the omega at all costs.</p>


<p>"Im not doing it" he told Gabe,</p>

<p>He saw the anger in his older brothers eyes,</p>

<p>"What do you mean?" He seethed at joel,</p>

<p>"Im not you. Im not bout for revenge and I love him"</p>

<p>Gabe let out a laugh and glares at his brother, Joel lost all respect for his brother and gave him an unamused look.</p>

<p>"You don't know what love is"</p>

<p>Joel didn't respond,</p>

<p>"He's just an Omega fuck toy that you will get rid of. All omegas are useful for is to fuck and breed. You can never love an omega"</p>

<p>Jokes fists clenched as his brother rambled on. He finally had enough and slammed his fist on the table to shut him up,</p>

<p>"Maybe you don't know what love is but im pretty damn sure i want to experience it with Enoch. The deals off gabe, im not hurting him" he growled at his brother, gabe only stood up and looked down at him.</p>

<p>"You will eventually" he said then walked away,</p>

<p>Joel felt a surge of anger and stormed out of the prison.</p>

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