Part 12

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<p>"Push! Push!"</p>

<p>Patrick screamed as another contraction hit him and he squeezed Pete's hand tightly. The beta nurse was aiding the child out of him.</p>

<p>"Just one more push baby and we'll be parents again" Pete whispered and kissed Patrick's sweaty forehead.</p>

<p>The omega whimpered as another contraction hit him and he pushed for a final time.</p>

<p>Small cried were heard from the baby and a nurse stood up holding the baby in her arms,</p>

<p>"You have a baby girl" she smiled,</p>

<p>Tears filled Pete's eyes and he kissed Patrick passionately, the Omega smiled at his alpha and the nurse walked towards them and handed Patrick the small squirming bundle wrapped in a pink blanket,</p>

<p>Pete smiled down at the baby girl and Patrick smiled at him, </p>

<p>"She looks like you" he said to Patrick,</p>

<p>Patrick looked down at the baby and noticed the smililarities they had, pale skin, a soft round face and plump lips. No a single trace of Gabe on her apart from the dark hair which looks alot like Pete's natural hair. The omega let out a sigh of relief over the fact that she liked nothing like gabe.</p>

<p>"Oh wow she's tiny" they heard kael say as he walked into the room followed by Enoch.</p>

<p>"Meet your little sister" Patrick said smiling at his two sons.</p>

<p>Pete picked her up from Patrick's hold and walked towards the twins, both boys were in awe at the small babe wrapped in blankets.</p>

<p>"She looks like you enoch" kael laughed and Pete chuckled as well.</p>

<p>"Can i hold her?" Enoch asked and Pete nodded, carefully placing her into her brothers arms,</p>

<p>Enoch rocked her back and fourth and she calmed in her brothers arms instantly, recognising the scent of her sibling which was familiar to patricks, who she recognised straight away.</p>

<p>"Do you want to name her?" Patrick asked the twins.</p>

<p>They both nodded and went into thought,</p>

<p>"i like Amethyst" enoch said,</p>

<p>"Phaedra" kael said straight after,</p>

<p>Pete and patrick smiled at them both,</p>

<p>"Amethyst Phaedra" pete said and patrick nodded,</p>

<p>Pete smiled and watched his two sons smile and play with their little sister, they'd make good parents one day. He pulled his phone out to tell Brendon and turned around to patrick,</p>

<p>The omega was passed out on the hospital bed softly breathing with a small smile on his face. Pete snikrd as his husband and pulled the blanket up over him.</p>

<p>Both the twins had their eyes on him when he turned around to them,</p>

<p>"Who wants to feed her?" He smiled.</p>

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