Part 11

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<p>Patrick was glad that Enoch came back from his date unharmed. He knew Joel was a good alpha and that's why he let the younger omega go. Pete, however, wasn't in favour and grounded Enoch.</p>

<p>"He could have been hurt!" Pete growled at patrick.</p>

<p>"Joel is a good alpha. He wouldn't hurt our son" patrick said,</p>

<p>"He's Gabe's little brother! God knows what he could do!" </p>

<p>Patrick glared at pete as the alpha sat there, he didn't trust joel purely because he was Gabe's younger brother. And even if he was planning on hurting the omega, he would have done it already.</p>

<p>"Its so excuse to think he would be like him"</p>

<p>Pete stood up and walked to be In front of Patrick, he held both of the omegas hands and Patrick looked up at him.</p>

<p>"Id rather not take my chances to see if joel is like Gabe"</p>

<p>The omega huffed but agrees with Pete. They didn't know what joel was like. And the alpha wasn't going to put his youngest son in harms way to find out or not.</p>

<p>"Enoch won't be happy" patrick mumbled,</p>

<p>"He'll be kicking and screaming but in the end he will get over it"</p>

<p>"Talk about kicking" Patrick gasped and placed a hand on his bump where the baby was kicking the fuck out of his ribs.</p>

<p>Pete let out a breathy laugh and dropped to his knees, kissing the bump and resting his head on it,</p>

<p>"Hey, baby girl. Want to calm down in there? Your making your mommy uncomfortable" he cooed,</p>

<p>Patrick smiled down at pete but let out a groan when he felt a sharp kick,</p>

<p>"Hey. You ok?" Pete asked as he stood back up and wrapped arms around patrick.</p>

<p>"I think.." He attempted to say but he was cut off when he pain strengthened and he felt a gush of water run down his legs.</p>

<p>"Pete" he said shakily and looked up at the alpha with wide eyes.</p>

<p>Pete knew and quickly sat patrick down on the brown leather seats, walking to the office door and calling the twins,</p>

<p>They both immediately rushed to their father,</p>

<p>"Enoch, Stay with your mum. Kael, get the bag" he instructed and then went to the house phone while the twins did what they were told to do.</p>

<p>"So this is what you were saying was the worst part?" Enoch asked as he sat next to patrick on the chair,</p>

<p>"Its worth it in the end" he gritted out and let out a moan of pain as another contraction hit,</p>

<p>"You can squeeze my hand mum" enoch said and held Patrick's hand, regretting it when the other omega squeezed really tightly.</p>

<p>"Im getting too old for this" he groaned and Enoch winced when Patrick squeezed his hand again,</p>

<p>Kael came rushing in with the bad and addressed enoch,</p>

<p>"Dad said to lead mum to the car. He phoned the hospital"</p>

<p>Enoch nodded and helped patrick stand up, the older omega kept a hand under his bump and held Enoch's hand as he was lead to the car. Karl following behind ready to support them.</p>

<p>As soon as patrick was safely in the backseat with enoch with him and Karl in the front. Pete was off driving to the hospital ready for baby number three.</p>

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