Part 13

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<p>Pete watched as patrick fed their beautiful little girl, she was the spitting image of Patrick with her round face, full cheeks and familiar pout. He smiled at how cute she was. Pete was a very proud father and his smile only widened when the nurse that brought her in told him that she had his eyes, amethyst also had dark hair that looked like Pete's. Not a single trace of Gabe was on her and the alpha was loving every moment.</p>

<p>Brendon appeared after he texted him and his smile stretched wide when he saw the newsest to the Wentz clan,</p>

<p>"She's so precious" he cooed looking down at her from beside patrick. The Omega smiled tiredly and offered for Brendon to hold her.</p>

<p>The alpha nodded profusely with a broad smile, he felt happy with the warm weight of the newborn in his arms. He looked at pete and congratulated him, the alphas shared a respective stare and Brendon passed amethyst back to her mother,</p>

<p>"Can i speak to you outside pete?"</p>

<p>He nodded as a reply and kissed the omega softly before following Brendon outside, much to the confused glances both kael, Enoch and patrick gave him.</p>

<p>Pete gave brendon a look and the other alpha spoke,</p>

<p>"Gabe has lost, but what about his brother?"</p>

<p>"Joel told us everything. He loves Enoch and you can see that he doesn't want to harm him" pete said smiling slightly over the fact that Enoch has found an alpha that will love him. He respects Joel's intentions of being with Enoch only for love. He had a conversation with the young alpha about Enoch and everything else, he also then got an earfull off of the young omega for interrogating joel. Pete chuckled at the memory. </p>

<p>Brendon smiled at Pete's face, he was a much happier man now a days, he had a loving omega (thanks to Brendon) and a cute family, not to mention an alpha son to carry on his name. Even brendon would be happy with that.</p>

<p>"What about Gabe now?" He asked breaking Pete's loving gaze on his family through the window,</p>

<p>"Tell him. I want him to know he cant get us now" pete replied, looking at brendon with an unreadable expression. It honestly scared him.</p>

<p>The alpha nodded and followed pete back into the room. He smiled back at patrick and took a photo of amethyst, to 'show Sarah' as an excuse, he then nodded at pete and gave Patrick a hug as well as the twins a hug and shook Pete's hand and they nodded. He then made his way out of the hospital to taunt Gabe yet again.</p>

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