Part 25

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<p>Joel woke up with Enoch in his arms, he smiled and kissed the omegas strawberry blonde hair and ran his fingers down his soft pale skin. The alpha felt so lucky to have the omega as his mate. He looked at he fresh bite mark on his omega gland and ran his fingers over it and smiled fondly when enoch arched into his touch. He pulled the omega closer to him and watched as his eyes opened to reveal the familiar brown eyes that he has come to love.</p>

<p>"Good morning baby" the alpha said kissing the bond mark,</p>

<p>"Morning" the omega mumbled into Joel's chest. They stayed like that for a while before enoch sat up and looked at joel,</p>

<p>"Im going to take a shower" joel nodded and watched the omega retreat into the bathroom, the alpha licking his lips at Enoch's naked form.</p>

<p>He was so lucky to have such a beautiful omega as his mate. He loves enoch so much and couldn't be any happier with the little beauty as his mate. Joel smiles to himself and got up out of bed after hearing the shower going. He dressed himself in a button up and black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. He saw Enoch's clothing scattered around and picked them up, folding them and placing them on the bed. Joel made his way to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee, drinking the bitter liquid and scrolling through his phone and waiting for the omega to finish up. Enocb appeared in the kitchen a while later and smiled brightly at joel and the alpha fell in love all over again looking at the omega in an oversized tee and leggings,</p>

<p>"Let me take you out for breakfast, i want to show off um beautiful boyfriend" he said and enoch blushed and nodded,</p>

<p>The omega moved to grab his coat and put it on and joel took this time to wrap his arms around enoch and kiss his chubby cheek. Enoch blushed and hid his face as joel held his hand and they made their way to the diner.</p>

<p>They got halfway down the street before three alphas that Joel knew; James, Greg and Evan, stood in front of the two and dragged them both into the alleyway. Evan took a hold of enoch and joel surged forward to attack but James and greg got a hold of joel and held him back,</p>

<p>"Leave him alone!" Joel shouted and evan laughed,</p>

<p>"You betrayed is joel. And for that we seek revenge" he said and punches enoch. The omega whimpered and fell to the ground joel shouting as evan hit the omega over and over again,</p>

<p>They heard someone shout in the distance and the two alphas holding joel threw him to the ground and all three retreated. Joel crawled over to the whimpering omega and cradled him to his chest, mumbling soothing words to him and stroking his hair in comfort, tears were streaming down Enoch's face and they were both covered in blood. Joel feared the worst and shakily pulled his phone out, he went onto the contact he never thought hed ever call and pressed the button, they answered in a few rings and enoch cried out at the familiar voice, joel calmed himself before speaking,</p>


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