Part 17

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<p>Enoch and Joel made the promise that they would mate on his 18th birthday. They decided to keep it to just them two but enoch tells his mum everything. Patrick was always told things by enoch, it was the omegas gossip. He was laying down on his parents bed, his head was in Patrick's lap as he stroked through his sons strawberry blonde hair,</p>

<p>"Joel wants me to mate with him when I'm 18" he looked into his mother's blue eyes and patrick smiled softly at him. </p>

<p>"Do what you think is best" patrick said and ran his thumb down Enoch's face, "I'll talk some sense into your father"</p>

<p>Enoch smiled up at his mum and turned around to fall into his embrace, patrick wrapped arms around enoch as the younger omega rested his head on Patrick's chest. The omega ran his hands down Enoch's back and they both just lay there, enoch fell asleep in Patrick's arms and settled there until pete walked in smiling at the two omegas.</p>

<p>"Just put Ame to bed" he said sitting on the bed next to them both,</p>

<p>"Is Kael back?" Patrick asked in a hushed whisper. Careful not to wake up enoch. Pete shook his head and softly kissed Patrick.</p>

<p>"He messaged me earlier, he said he'd be out for another night"</p>

<p>Patrick nodded and looked down at enoch, he was debating on telling pete but with how angry pete was when enoch told them that he was dating joel, he decided to tell him when he was more distracted. It would be better for all of them if they didn't tell pete for a while. But he didn't want to keep things away from pete.</p>

<p>"I need to talk to you later pete" he sighed and rested against pete, the alpha wrapping his arm around him. And nodded.</p>

<p>"I love you" he said,<br />

"I love you too pete" patrick said.</p>

<p>Enoch started to shuffle around and sat up, he rubbed his eyes in the same way patrick always did and pete smiled at his omega son.</p>

<p>"Hey dad" he mumbled and hugged patrick again. He was always attached to Patrick, he was close to patrick since he was born.</p>

<p>"Hey mini lunchbox" he smiled, while patrick cracked up at the nickname. And rolled his eyes at pete. Of course he would come up with such a nickname, enoch laughed too and rolled off the bed he gave patrick a hug then moved to the other side of the bes to give pete a hug before walking out, probably to his own room.</p>

<p>"Pete" Patrick started and waited until pete looked at him,</p>

<p>"Joel asked enoch to mate with him" he said and saw anger fill Pete's eyes,</p>

<p>"Before you start shouting let me just say that they have been together for six months and joel loves enoch. He may be Gabe's brother but he isn't Gabe" he said giving pete a stare down,</p>

<p>"But he's our omega son" pete whined,</p>

<p>"And he will be an adult soon, pete let him be happy" patrick reasoned and pete sighed and flopped back on the bed,</p>

<p>"I don't want to loose our baby boy" he said looking at patrick,</p>

<p>"I know pete but it was bound to happen" </p>

<p>Pete nodded sadly and cuddled against patrick, kissing the omega and nuzzling into his neck.</p>

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